Abby Stein, "Dreaming While Awake: The
Use of Trance to Bypass Threat"
Elizabeth Anne Seward, "Reciprocial and Evoked Developmental. Changes in
Patient and Analyst: Shifting Sands of Influence"
Irwin Hirsch, "Fernale-Male, Doctor-Patient: Discussion of Seward"
Edgar A. Levenson, "On Seeing What Is
Said: Visual Aids to the Psychoanalytic Process"
Daniel Shaw, "On the Therapeutic Action of Analytic Love"
Arthur H. Feiner, "On Focusing Self-Definition"
Book Reviews:
Jay S. Kwawer, "Psychoanalysis in Nazi Germany: Survival or Demise"
(saggio-recensione di: James E. Goggin & Eileen Brockman Goggin, Death of
a "Jewish Science": Psychoanalysis in the Third Reich. West
Lafayette, IN: Purdue University Press, 2001)
Sandra Buechler, "Analytic Integrity" (saggio-recensione di:
Stanley Coen, Affect Intolerance in Patent and Analyst. Northvale, NJ:
Aronson, 2002)
Sharon Kofman, "A Way of Looking at Things" (saggio-recensione di:
Nancy Chodorow, The Power of Feelings. New Haven, CT: Yale Univ. Press,
Joerg Bose, "The Future of an Illusion: A Different perspective" (saggio-recensione
di: Gilbert Rose, Necessary Illusion: Art as "Witness": Resonance
and Attunement to Forms and Feelings. Madison, CT: Int. Univ. Press, 1999)