Rapaport-Klein Study Group

Annual meetings held at the Austen Riggs Center in Stockbridge, Massachusetts, since 1963

John Auerbach, Ph.D., College of Psychology, Nova Southeastern University, Maxwell Maltz Building, 3300 South University Drive, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33328-2004, tel. 954-262-2725, e-mail <> 
Christopher Christian, Ph.D., 65 Trumbull Street, New Haven, CT 06510, tel. 646-549-8007, e-mail <>

Treasurer: Craig Piers, Ph.D., 17 Housatonic Street, Lenox, MA 01240, Tel. 413-637-8077, e-mail <>
Conference Coordinator: Nadine Desautels, Austen Riggs Center, 25 Main Street, P.O. Box 962, Stockbridge, MA 01262, Tel. 413-931-5236, e-mail <>
Webmaster: Paolo Migone, M.D.,  Via Palestro 14, 43123 Parma PR, Italy, Tel. +(39) 0521-960595, e-mail <>

History of the Group

Members' List

Past Members and Non-Member Presenters

Programs of Past Meetings (with papers to be downloaded): 1963, 1964, 1965, 1966, 1967, 1968, 1969, 1970, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1976, 1977, 1978, 1979, 1980, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024. 2025

Next Meeting: June 20-22, 2025 (63rd Annual Meeting)

Go to the 40th Anniversary Meeting (1963-2003): Program and Video

Go to the video of Bob Holt's "History of the NYU Research Center for Mental Health" (2006)

Go to the 2009 Bob Holt Appreciation: Transcript, Audio, and Photographs

Go to the 50th Anniversary Meeting (1963-2012): Program, Pictures, and Bob Holt's Message

See the Rapaport-Holt Letters (1948-1960), edited by Bob Holt (2017)

Read David Rapaport's Seminars on Metapsychology of 1957

Paper presentations published on this web site

1990: Pier Francesco Galli, "Psychoanalysis as the Story of a Crisis"
1993: Richard Lasky, "Countertransference and the analytic instrument" (in PDF)
1995: Lawrence Friedman, "Merton Gill's Psychoanalytic Paradigm"
1999: Robert Wallerstein, "Generations of Psychotherapy Research: An Overview" (in Psychomedia)
2003: Robert Holt, Philip Holzman, Roy Schafer, Herbert Schlesinger, Fred Schwartz, Peter Wolff et al., "40th Anniversary of the Rapaport-Klein Study Group: Reflections on David Rapaport" (video)
2003: Neil Altman & Jody Messler Davies, Editorial of no. 1/2000 of Psychoanalytic Dialogues
2004: Marcia Cavell, "Valuing Emotions"
2009: Phebe Cramer, "Empirical Studies of Defense Mechanisms" (in PDF)
2010: Jeanine M. Vivona, "Embodied Language in Neuroscience and Psychoanalysis" (2009) (in PDF)
2010: Panel discussions by Jeremy D. Safran, Morris N. Eagle, and David L. Wolitzky on "Clinical and Empirical Issues: Disagreements and Agreements" (The background for this panel is the controversy stirred by Irwin Hoffman's 2009 article "Doublethinking our Way to 'Scientific' Legitimacy: The Desiccation of Human Experience") (in PDF) (Listen to the audio-recording, with interventions by David Wolitzky, Morris Eagle, Jeremy Safran, Paul Lippmann, Kenneth Frank, Marsha Cavell, Mauricio Cortina, Anne Erreich, Everett Waters, David Olds, Rebecca Curtis, etc.)
2012: Robert R. Holt, "On our Golden Anniversary" (on the 50th Anniversary of the Rapaport-Klein Study Group)
2013: Heather A. Berlin, "The Neural Basis of the Dynamic Unconscious" (2011) and "Neuroscience Meets Psychoanalysis" (2009) (in PDF)
2015: Jerome C. Wakefield, "Concept Representation in the Child: What Did Little Hans Mean by 'Widdler'?" (in PDF) (pre-publication draft of chapters 12 and 13 of the forthcoming book The Day the Horse Fell Down)
2016: J.A. Scott Kelso, "On the self-organizing origins of Agency" (in PDF)
2016: Arnold D. Richards and Arthur A. Lynch, "The Rapaport-Holt Correspondence: The Menninger connection and the history of the IPBooks project" [see also a draft and a PowePoint file by Arnold Richards]
2017: Everett Waters, "The secure base script in attachment theory and research" (Audio and slides of the first part of the presentation)
2017: Dagmar Herzog, "Freud's 'Cold Wars': Christianization and Desexualization of Psychoanalysis in the Postwar United States" (Video of a presetation in Bologna, Italy, on December 17, 2016)
2019: Daniel Kahneman, "Memories of a Summer with David Rapaport in 1960, and Possible Sequelae": Audio-recording and Transcript of the talk and of the discussion (see also the introduction by Morris Eagle)
2020: Miguel Básañez, "Values, Cultures and Behavior in a World of Three Cultures" [see a synopsis] [See the video] [Listen to the audio only]
2020: Ray s. Jackendoff, "Language, Meaning, and Rational Thought" [see a PowerPoint document] [See the video] [Listen to the audio only]
2020: Vittorio Gallese, "Habits, Social Practice and Symbol-making. A Just-so Story" [See the slides] [see the paper "Brain, Body, Habit and the Performative Quality of Aesthetics", 2021] [See the video] [Listen to the audio only]
2021: Cristina Alberini, "Remembering, Forgetting and the Neurobiological Bases of Identity" [See the slides] [See the video] [Listen to the audio only] [Both in the video and in the audio the first minutes are missing]
2021: Mark Solms, "Revision of Drive Theory" [See the video] [Listen to the audio only] [This presentation appears in issue no. 4/2021 of JAPA]
2021: Michael Tomasello, "Language, Meaning, and Rational Thought" [see the paper "The ultra-social animal", 2014] [Listen to the audio only]
2021: Wilma Bucci, Charles M. Jaffe, and Sean Murphy, with the participation of Bernard Maskit and Leon Hoffman, "The Mind of the Therapist and the Measures of Research: A Clinician-Researcher Collaboration for the Study of Psychotherapy Process" [See the video] [Listen to the audio only]
2022: Members remember Paul Lippmann (1934-1922) [See the video] [Listen to the audio only]
2022: Christopher Christian, "Intersubjectivity and Modern Conflict Theory: Points of Convergence and Divergence" [See the video] (The part with clinical material has been deleted) [See a similar presentation of 2015 in Italy]
2022: Gaia Vince, "How Did Humans Transcend the Normal Rules of Evolution" [See the video] [Listen to the audio only]
2022: Nathan Kravis, "Charisma" [See the video] [Listen to the audio only]
2022: Lawrence Friedman, "Ego Psychology: The Mind as an Object" [See the video] [Listen to the audio only]
2023: Everett Waters (in collaboration with Morris Eagle), "Cross-Cultural Criticisms of Attachment and the Benefits of Charitable Interpretation" [See the text and slides]
2024: Ageliki Nicolopoulou, "The Narrative Construction of Reality and Identity in Children's Narrative Play-acting" [see the following two papers: (1) Nicolopoulou et al., "Gender Dffferences and Symbolic lmagination In the Stories of Four-Year-Olds (1994)"; (2) "Worldmaking and Identity Formation Narrative in Children's Play Acting" (1997)"]
2024: Pehr Granqvist, "Thy Rod and Thy Staff, They Comfort Me: Religion and Spirituality from an Attachment Theory Perspective" [see the paper by Cherniak et al., "Attachment theory and religion (2021)"]
2024: Katie C. Lewis, "Psychoanalytic Research and Ecological Momentary Assessment (EMA): Expanding Opportunities for Studying Psychodynamic Concepts and Principles Through Ambulatory Methods" [see the following two papers: (1) Lewis at al., "Evaluating Stable and Situational Expressions of Passive-Aggressive Personality Disorder: A Multimethod Experience Sampling Case Study (2021)"; (2) Lewis at al., "Attachment, Loneliness, and Social Connection as Prospective Predictors of Suicidal Ideation during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Relational Diathesis-stress Experience Sampling Study (2023)"]
2025: Anne Erreich, "Mental Representation: The Infant's Innate Capacity for Representing Subjective Experience" [see the paper "The Innate Capacity for Representing Subjective Experience: The Infant's Mind Is Neither Primitive nor Prerepresentational (2024)"]
2024: Jerome C. Wakefield, "Freud as Philosopher of Mind: Reconstructing the Freud-James Debate Over Unconscious Versus Subconscious Mental States" [see see chapters 1 and 3 of the 2018 book Freud and Philosophy of Mind. Volume 1: Reconstructing the Argument for Unconscious Mental States: Chapter 1, Introduction: Should Freud be Taken Seriously as a Philosopher of Mind?; Chapter 3: "Unconscious" as "Mental and Not Conscious": Why Repression, the Dynamic Unconscious, and Psychopathology Are Irrelevant to Freud’s Philosophical Argumentthe]

Rapaport-Klein Study Group Listserve:

In order to send an e-mail to the group, members have to use the following e-mail address:

Please note that if a member sends a "reply" to an e-mail received from the Listserve, it will go to the entire group; in order to send an e-mail to a single member, it is necessary to write directly to his/her e-mail address (for e-mail addresses of group members, see Members' List). Please note also that the Listserve reaches about 90% of members, i.e., those who have given us their e-mail address.

Web Editor: Paolo Migone. For suggestions or corrections, please e-mail to: