Sergio Benvenuto is a researcher in psychology and philosophy at
the National Research Council (CNR) in Rome, Italy, and a
psychoanalyst, president of ISAP (Institute for Advanced Studies in
Psychoanalysis). He is a contributor to cultural journals such as Telos,
Lettre Internationale (French, Spanish, Hungarian, Rumanian and
Italian editions), Texte, RISS, Journal for Lacanian Studies, L’évolution
psychiatrique. He has translated into Italian Jaques Lacan’s Séminaire
XX:Encore. His books include Dicerie e pettegolezzi (Bologna: Il
Mulino, 1999); Un cannibale alla nostra mensa (Bari: Dedalo,
2000); Perversioni. Sessualità, etica, psicoanalisi (Turin: Bollati
Boringhieri, 2005); Mechta Lacana, in Russian (Sankt Peterburg:
Aleteija, 2006); Accidia. La passione dell’indifferenza (Bologna: Il
Mulino, 2008); with A. Molino, On Freud’s Track’s (New York:
Aronson, 2008).
rtf. []
Lorenzo Bernini is Lecturer in Political Philosophy at the University
of Verona. Among his books: Le pecore e il pastore. Critica, politica,
etica nel pensiero di Michel Foucault (Naples: Liguori, 2008); with
Olivia Guaraldo, eds, Differenza e relazione: L’ontologia dell’umano
nel pensiero di Judith Butler e Adriana Cavarero (Verona: ombre
corte, 2009) and Maschio e femmina Dio li creò!? Il sabotaggio
transmodernista del binarismo sessuale (Milan: Il dito e la luna,
2010, forthcoming).
Federico Leoni is a contributor to many journals: “aut aut”,
“Comprendre. Archives internationales pour l’anthropologie
phénoménologiques”, “Chiasmi International”, “Paradosso”, “La
società degli individui” among others. He has translated into
Italian texts by Bergson, Maldiney, Minkowski. His books include:
Follia come scrittura di mondo (Milan: Jaca Book, 2001);
L’inappropriabile. Figure del limite in Kant (Milan: Mimesis,
2004); Senso e crisi. Del corpo, del ritmo, del mondo (Pisa: ETS,
2006); Habeas Corpus. Sei genealogie del corpo occidentale
(Milan: Bruno Mondadori, 2008). []
Romano Màdera is professor of Moral Philosophy and
Philosophical Practices at the University of Milano-Bicocca. He is
a member of the Italian Association for Analytical Psychology
(AIPA), the International Association for Analytical Psychology
(IAAP), and the Analytical Laboratory of Images (LAI), a
professional association of sandplay analysts. He is the founder,
with L. V. Tarca, of the Open Seminars of Philosophical Practices
(University of Venice, University of Milano-Bicocca and other
cities) and of Philo, School of Philosophical Practices. He also
founded SABOF (Society for Philosophically Oriented Biographic
Analysis). His writings include: Identità e feticismo (Milan:
Moizzi, 1977); Dio il Mondo (Milan: Coliseum, 1989); L’alchimia
ribelle (Bari: Palomar, 1997); C. G. Jung. Biografia e teoria (Milan:
B. Mondadori, 1998); L’animale visionario (Milan: Il Saggiatore,
1999); with L. V. Tarca, Philosophy as Life Path (Milan: IPOC,
2007); Il nudo piacere di vivere (Milan: Mondadori, 2006).
Robert Pfaller is professor of philosophy at University of Applied
Arts, Vienna, and member of “Neue WienerGruppe. Lacan-Schule
and Forschungsgruppe Psychoanalyse”, Vienna. His published works
include: Althusser - Das Schweigen im Text (München: Fink, 1997);
ed. Interpassivität. Studien über delegiertes Genießen (Vienna-New
York: Springer, 2000); Die Illusionen der anderen. Über das
Lustprinzip in der Kultur (Frankfurt/Main: Suhrkamp, 2002), (ed.:)
“Stop that Comedy! On the Subtle Hegemony of the Tragic in Our
Culture” (in English and German, Vienna: sonderzahl, 2005); Das
schmutzige Heilige und die reine Vernunft. Symptome der
Gegenwartskultur (Frankfurt/Main: Fischer, 2008), Ästhetik der
Interpassivität (Hamburg: phiilo fine arts, 2009) [Address: University
of Applied Arts, Vienna, Department of Philosophy, Postgasse 6/2.
Stock, A-1010 Vienna, Austria;]
Franco Scalzone, M.D. and psychiatrist, is Full Member of the
SPI (Società Psicoanalitica Italiana, IPA). In the past he worked in
psychiatric facilities at the National Health Service and is currently
practising privately as a psychoanalyst. His fields of interest are
the Hysterical Syndrome, Perversions, and the dialogue between
Psychoanalysis, Neurosciences and Information Technology, Time
in Psychoanalysis: he has dealt with these are issues in various
articles and international or national Congresses. Among his
publications: “Psico-bi-sessualità: elemento puro femminile,
elemento puro maschile e ‘dis-posizione isterica’” [“Psycho-Bi-
Sexuality: Pure Feminine Element, Pure Male Element and Hysterical
Dis-Position”], Rivista di Psicoanalisi, 1, pp. 125-146, 2004;
“Notes for a Dialogue between Psychoanalysis and Neuroscience”,
International Journal of Psychoanalysis, 86, pp. 1405-142, 2005;
“Freud: his (new) vision as reflected in the letter to Fliess of 1
January 1896”, Rivista di Psicoanalisi, 1, pp. 31-49, 2008. He has
edited the following collections: with G. Zontini, Perché l’isteria?
[Why Hysteria?] (Naples: Liguori, 1999); with G. Mattioli, Attualità
dell’isteria. Malattia desueta o posizione originaria? [Hysteria as
a Current Topic. Outworn Disease or Original Position?] (Milan:
Franco Angeli, 2002); with G. Zontini, Tra psiche e cervello
[Between Psyche and Brain] (Naples: Liguori, 2004); Perversione,
Perversioni e Perversi [Perversion, Perversions and the Perverse]
(Rome: Borla, 2009).
Rev. Vasileios Thermos, M.D., is an Orthodox theologian and priest
from Greece. He is a psychiatrist and psychoanalytically oriented
psychotherapist for children and adolescents in private practice. He
holds a Ph.D. from the Theological School of Athens University
on the psychology of priestly vocation. He has studied as a Visiting
Scholar (1996-97) in Harvard Divinity School, Boston College,
and Andover Newton. He has been engaged in training clergy and
giving lectures, and has published many books and articles in
Greek. He has published: His In Search of the Person: True and
False Self according to Donald Winnicott and Saint Gregory Palamas
(Montreal: Alexander Press, 2002), it has also been published in
Russian. Also his article “Toward a Theological Understanding of
Psychopathology and Therapy” is now being translated into English in
“Psychiatry and Theology in Dialogue” (proceedings of a conference)
(Montreal: Alexander Press).
Gemma Zontini, M.D. and psychiatrist, is a Full Member of the
Italian Psychoanalytical Society (IPA). She is the Director of the
Public Psychiatric Unit Ward at the Monaldi Hospital in Naples,
Italy. She is the author of several scientific papers regarding mainly
the “body” issue in psychoanalysis and, more in general, the
“body-mind” relationship. Furthermore, she has often dealt with
the relation between Psychoanalysis and Neuroscience. She edited,
together with F. Scalzone, two collections of papers: Perché l’isteria?
(Napoli: Liguori, 1999) and Tra psiche e cervello (Napoli: Liguori,
2004). Dr. Zontini has written numerous articles among which:
“Reflections on a Perverse Conduct” in F. Scalzone, editor,
Perversione, Perversioni e Perversi (Roma: Borla, 2009).