JEP --> HOME PAGE --> Number 17

J E P - Number 17 - Summer-Winter 2003
The Bipolarity of the Relational Mind
The “masculine” and “feminine” in cognitive processes

Diego Napolitani

Keywords: Neurophenomenology — Lateralization — Self/non-Self — Intentionality/Basic Assumptions — Auto/Hetero-Poiesis

The author presents the first part of a work in which he proposes, on the basis of his group-analytic model and within the horizon of complexity, a structurally and dually relational configuration of the mind:
1. The inter-subjective relationship between intentionality and protomental devices.
2. The intra-subjective relationship between masculine elements (rationality, codes, the Self) and feminine elements (irrationality, silence, the non-Self).
In this first part the author describes the experiences that, in recent years, have gradually shaped his theoretic proposal. The second part will examine the inter- and intra-subjective processes for which the relational nature of the mind conforms with its bipolarity. Part three will propose groupings of behavior within a nosographic framework that’s based on the criterion of the relative number of excess elements related to the Self versus the non-Self, and vice versa.

JEP --> HOME PAGE --> Number 17 - Summer-Winter 2003