Main speakers:
Antonio Damasio, Iowa
Jaak Panksepp, Ohio
Mark Solms, London
The meeting will be introduced by
Oliver Sacks, New York
The aim of this meeting is to build bridges between psychoanalysis,
neuroscience, cognitive science and biological psychiatry. There will
be abundant time for discussion of the different perspectives of the
distinguished speakers. The meeting should be of interest to
psychoanalysts, psychotherapists, psychiatrists,
psychologists, neurologists and neuroscientists.
An International Neuro-Psychoanalysis Society will be established at the meeting.
Delegates will be eligible for founder membership.
There will be limited residential accommodation at the venue and an optional dinner on the
Saturday at a cost of £45 or $75 per head; Places will be limited.
Lunch will be provided on the Saturday.
The Fee: £170 or $280; (after 17 March 2000: £194 or $320)
Further information can be obtained from Paula Barkay,
The Anna Freud Centre, 21 Maresfield Gardens, London NW3 5SD; England;
tel. (00 44 020) 7 794 2313; fax (00 44 020) 7 794 6506; email;