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Dipartimento di Salute Mentale Azienda Ospedale Niguarda Cà Granda, Milano
OPIFER Organizzazione di Psicoanalisti Italiani Federazione e Registro, Firenze.
I.E.S.A., Associazione Internazionale di Psicoterapia Esperienziale Dinamica Breve, New York.

Sponsor: Provincia di Milano
Ordine Provinciale dei Medici Chirurghi e degli Odontoiatri - Milano
WAPR - Italia
Associazione Psicoterapia di Gruppo
Centro Studi e Ricerche COIRAG
Scuola di Specializzazione in Psichiatria Università di Milano
Scuola di Specializzazione in Psichiatria Università di Milano-Bicocca

Milano (Italy), May 10th-12th, 2001

Core Factors for Effective
Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy

Ospedale Niguarda Cà Granda - Aula Magna


with audiovisual case presentations
by American and European therapists

David H.Malan, D.M., Tavistock Clinic, UK will be present as a Discussant A wide range of topics and technical aspects will be covered theoretically and shown on video, with on-going Faculty-Participant interaction. A questionnaire enquiring about relevant topics that are felt to be most interesting or controversial, is available for Colleagues who might wish to return it, their answers serving as an indicator to the Scientific Board

Experiential Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy (E-STDP)

Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy (STDP) has its roots in the work of Freud and other early analysts who published some accounts of notable brief cases. In the 1940s Alexander and French made systematic efforts to make psychoanalysis “briefer and more effective”. STDP itself came into being with the work of Michael Balint, David Malan, Habib Davanloo and others. Davanloo was the first to create a model rapidly bringing about the actual experience of conflicting emotions.
Since the 1960s there have been many STDP approaches developed. One stream, however, has laid a particular emphasis on the importance of emotional experience as a key transformational part of therapy. The term “Experiential STDP”, coined by D.Fosha, refers to these therapeutic approaches, in which various techniques are utilized that differ dramatically from traditional psychotherapies.
Outcome research has supported the efficacy of this approach. Relevant studies have been conducted by the research team at Beth Israel Medical Center, New York and by the Short-Term Psychotherapy Research Program, directed by Leigh McCullough at Harvard Medical School, Boston. Winston et al. (1994) demonstrated the effectiveness of this approach with Personality Disorders (DSM-IV) with two controlled and randomized clinical trials. A multicentre controlled, randomized clinical study on cost-effectiveness, N=128 patients with Personality Disorder (A.Abbass, 1999-2000) made out a significant improvement of global, interpersonal, social and symptom clinical ratings, and a concomitant reduction of health-care expense.
E-STDP combines the transformational power of emotional experiencing with the depth and breadth of understanding of psychodynamic theory. E-STDP provides a clinical methodology capable of promoting these aspects in the short term by accelerating the process of change. By acknowledging the importance of reducing the length and the cost of psychotherapy, E-STDP seeks to maximize the benefit to the individual, thus making it possible for a profoundly transformational treatment to be available to the largest number of people.

Milan Conference May 10th-12th, 2001

The Conference aims to present E-STDP in a thorough way, and it is therefore conceived as a teaching/continuing education event. It is meant for psychiatrists, pychologists, psychotherapists and other mental health professionals and students in the social sciences. The first two days will be devoted to theoretical papers alternating with videorecorded clinical presentations. The third day will be devoted to work in smaller groups. These workshops, assisted by a faculty member, will deal clinically and theoretically with specific themes, proposed by the participants. The conference aims to facilitate faculty-participants interaction. Completing the attached questionnaire and returning it with registration will provide feedback about the topics which will be addressed over the course of the conference.

Ferruccio Osimo, M.D.

Main Discussant

David H. Malan, D.M., FRCPsych. Former Consultant Psychotherapist, Tavistock Clinic, London, England


Allan Abbass, MD, FRCPC, Director of Education, Department of Psychiatry, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada.

Michael C. Alpert, MD, MPH, New York, Director of the NewYork-New Jersey STDP Institute, Member of I.E.S.A.

Patricia Coughlin, Ph.D., Clinical Faculty at the Albany Medical College, Member of I.E.S.A.

Diana Fosha, Ph.D. Associate Clinical Professor of Psychology, Derner Institute for Advanced Psychological Studies, Adelphi University, NY, Member of I.E.S.A.

Antonio Guerrini, M.D., Psichiatra e Psicoanalista SPI, Direttore del Dipartimento di Salute Mentale A.O. Niguarda Cà Granda, Milano.

Allen Kalpin, M.D., Ontario Centre for Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, Member of I.E.S.A.

Josette ten Have - de Labije, Psy.D., psychologist-psychotherapist, Reg., VKDP, Dutch Association for Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy.

Jeffrey J. Magnavita, Ph.D., Director, Connecticut Center for STDP, Adjunct Professor of Clinical Psychology, Hartford University, Member of I.E.S.A.

David H. Malan, D.M., FRCPsych. Former Consultant Psychotherapist, Tavistock Clinic, London, England.

Leigh McCullough, Ph.D. Associate Clinical Professor and Director, Psychotherapy Research Program, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Member of I.E.S.A.

Robert J. Neborsky, M.D., Clinical Professor of Psychiatry UCSD School of Medicine, Director of Lifespan Foundation for Research and Training in Psychotherapy.

Ferruccio Osimo, M.D., Psichiatra A.O. Niguarda Cà Granda U.O.P. n°48, President of I.E.S.A., Membro di OPIFER, Fellow of American Academy of Psychoanalysis

Isabel Sklar, LCSW, Director of Training for New York, New Jersey STDP Institute. Treasurer of I.E.S.A.


Dott. Pietro Andujar, Psicoanalista, Specialista in Psicologia, Redazione de “La Ginestra”, Membro di OPIFER

Dott. Marco Bacciagaluppi, Psichiatra, Psicoanalista, Presidente di OPIFER, Fellow of American Academy of Psychoanalysis.

Dott. Marianna Bolko, Psichiatra, Psicoanalista, Redazione di “Psicoterapia e Scienze Umane”.

Dott. Giovanna Cantarella, Specialista in Psicologia, Presidente della Associazione Psicoterapia di Gruppo

Prof. Italo Carta, Ordinario di Psichiatria Università degli Studi Milano-Bicocca, Psicoanalista, Membro di OPIFER.

Dott. Renato de Polo, Presidente di COIRAG, Psicoanalista SPI.

Dott. Mariano Enderle, Psicoanalista, NYU Post-Doctoral Program in Psychoanalysis.

Dott. Arcadio Erlicher, Primario di Psichiatria, Dipartimento di Salute Mentale A.O. Niguarda Cà Granda.

Dott. Anna Ferruta, Psicoanalista SPI, Vicedirettore di “Psiche”.

Dott. Giovanni Foresti, Psichiatra, Psicoanalista SPI, Direttore Medico Istituto Fatebenefratelli S.Colombano al Lambro

Prof. Salvatore Freni, Professore di Psicoterapia, Direttore della Scuola di Specializzazione in Psichiatria, Università di Milano, Psicoanalista SPI.

Dott. Ioannis Giannopoulos, Supervisore Short-Term Anxiety Provoking Psychotherapy, Membro di OPIFER, U.O.P. n°48 a Direzione Universitaria A.O. Niguarda Cà Granda.

Dott. Maria Clotilde Gislon, Psicoanalista SPI, Psicoterapeuta Cognitivo, Consulente ISERDIP.

Dott. Diamante Hartmann, Psicoanalista SPI, Psichiatra A.O. Niguarda Cà Granda.

Dott. Silvana Koen, Specialista in Psicologia, Responsabile Training del Laboratorio di Gruppoanalisi, Scuola COIRAG Torino. Membro di OPIFER

Prof. Piero Pazzaglia, Associato di Psichiatria, Università degli Studi di Milano, U.O.P.n°48 A.O. Niguarda Cà Granda.

Dott. Andrea Pergami, Psichiatra, A.O. Melegnano, Milano.

Prof. Marco Sambin, Ordinario di Psicologia Dinamica Università degli Studi di Padova.

Promoting Organizations

I.E.S.A., International Experiential STDP Association, New York
Dipartimento di Salute Mentale Azienda Ospedale Niguarda Cà Granda, Milano
OPIFER Organizzazione di Psicoanalisti Italiani Federazione e Registro, Milano


Provincia di Milano

For further information, registration, hotel reservation*:

Ms. Eve Pasquet
Tel and fax 02 6592471
* interesting deal with Hotel dei Cavalieri now available until 11 30 2000 only