President: Cesare Maffei, Italy
International Scientific Committee:
Antonio Andreoli, Switzerland
Thomas Bronisch, Germany
Lisa Ekselius, Sweden
Julien Guelfi, France
John Gunderson, Usa
Nestor Koldobsky, Argentina
John Livesley, Canada
Aurel Niresteanu, Romania
John Oldham, Usa
Yutaka Ono, Japan
Antonio Perez Urdaniz, Spain
James H. Reich, Usa
Thomas Rinne, Holland
Elsa Ronningstam, Usa
Vicente Rubio Larrosa, Spain
Kenneth R. Silk, Usa
Erik Simonsen, Denmark
Svenn Torgersen, Norway
Peter Tyrer, UK
Per Vaglum, Norway
National Scientific Committee:
Marco Battaglia, Milan
Laura Bellodi, Milan
Giovanni Battista Caprara, Rome
Andrea Fossati, Milan
Piermaria Furlan, Turin
Giovanni Liotti, Rome
Francesco Mancini, Perugia
Stefano Pallanti, Florence
Giovanni Placidi, Florence
Mario Rossi Monti, Urbino
Ezio Sanavio, Padova
Lucio Sarno, Milan
Saulo Sirigatti, Florence
Local Organizing Committee:
Stefano Clerici, Milan
Paolo Migone, Parma
Adolfo Pazzagli, Florence
Antonio Semerari, Rome
Raffaele Visintini, Milan
Ezio Zucconi Mazzini, Rome
Organizing Secretariat
Marco Pellegrini
Simona Turiello
Ilaria Carretta
Alessandra Citterio
Valentina Di Mattei
Marina Fiore
Lucia Formenti
Barbara Leonardi
Francesca Mapelli
Gema Noelia Moreno Granados
Alissia Pistarà
Wanda Toso
Silvana Villa
OCTOBER 10-12, 2003
1- Axis I/Axis II: which are the diagnostic and therapeutic relationships between Axis I and Axis II disorders?
2- Diagnostic models: which are the evidences in favour of, or disconfirming the diagnostic validity of personality disorders ? Does the categorial vs. dimensional approach controversy still make sense, and is it possible to resolve it?
3- Temporary stability: are personality disorders actually stable in time? What do we know about it; what is persisting and what is changing over the short, medium and long period?
4- Nature and nurture: how do nature and nurture interact in the pathogenesis of personality disorders?
5- Treatment efficacy: what do we really know about what is effective - and how it works - in the treatment of personality disorders?
OCTOBER 9, 2003
1- Theory and application of Transference Focused Psychotherapy (TFP): workshop by Otto F. Kernberg
2- Theory and application of Dialectic Behavioral Therapy (DBT): workshop by Marsha M. Linehan
3- Workshop on pharmacological treatment of personality disorders ( to be defined)
The official language of the congress is English. Plenary Sessions will be translated into Italian.
Speakers of plenary sessions will be invited. Their names will appear in the program.
Topics of symposia, workshops, papers and posters could not strictly be related to the topics of the plenary sessions.
Symposia, workshops and papers in Italian are foreseen: however, abstract forms must be filled in English, specifying that preferred language is Italian.
1- Opening Ceremony in Palazzo Vecchio - Salone dei Cinquecento, on Friday at 7 pm;
2- Official Dinner in Santa Maria Novella cloister, on Saturday night
3- A Chianti Tour after the congress
The program will be constantly updated. All the details will appear.
The program will be printed by March.
Please, if you want to receive the copy, send us your request and your address to:
Per informazioni:
Segreteria Organizzativa - Tel. 02 26433241
Fax 02 26433408 - E-mail:
Sito del Congresso (aggiornato in tempo reale)