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Volume 64

March/April 2002

Number 2

Increasing the Impact of Psychosomatic Medicine 
Davjd S. Sheps 

Covariation of Psychosocial Characteristics Associated With Cardiovascular Disease: Genetic and Environmental Influences 
Douglas A. Raynor, Mjchael F. Pague-Geile, Thomas W. Kamarck, Jeanne M. McCaffyry, and Stephen B. Manuck

Beyond Heritability 
Robert Plomin and Gesina Koeppen-Schomerus 

History of Psycho-Oncology: Overcoming Attitudinal and Conceptual Barriers 
Jimmie C. Holland

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Revisited 
Friedhelm Lamprecht and Martin Sack 

Marked Lability in Urinary Cortisol Levels in Subgroups of Combat Veterans With Posttraumatic Stress Disorder During an Intensive Exposure Treatment Program 
John W. Mason. Sheila Wang, Rachel Yehuda, Hadar Lubin, David Johnson, J. Douglas Bremner, Dennis Charney, and Steven Southwick

Relationship of Clinic, Ambulatory, and Laboratory Stress Blood Pressure to Left Ventricular Mass in Overweight Men and Women With High Blood Pressure 
Andrew Sherwood, Elizabeth C, D. Gullette, Alan L. Hinderliter, AnastasiaGeorgiades, Michael Babyak, Robert A. Waugh, and James A. Blumenthal 

The PHQ-15: Validity of a New Measure for Evaluating the Severity of Somatic Symptoms 
Kurt Kroenke, Robert L. Spitzer, and Janet B. W. Williams 

Reduced Primary Antibody Responses in a Genetic Animal Model of Depression 
Elliot M. Friedman, Kelly A. Becker, David H. Overstreet, and David A. Lawrence 

Hypercortisolemic Depression Is Associated With Increased Intra-Abdominal Fat 
Bettina Weber-Hamann, Frank Hentschel, Anja Kniest, Michael Deutschle, Michael Colla, Florian Lederbogen, and Isabella Heuser

A Novel Stress and Coping Workplace Program Reduces Illness and Healthcare Utilization 
Richard H. Rahe, C. Barr Taylor, Robbyn L. Tolles , Tracy L. Veach, and Susan Bryson

Stress, Coping, and Hepatitis B Antibody Status 
Victoria E. Burns, Douglas Carroll, Christopher Ring, Lesley K. Harrison, and Mark Drayson 

Defensiveness and Individual Response Stereotypy in Asthma 
Jonathan M. Feldman, Paul M. Lehrer, Stuart M. Hochron, and Gary E. Schwartz 

Reactivity and Vulnerability to Stress- Associated Risk for Upper Respiratory Illness 
Sheldon Cohen, Natalie Hamrick, Mario S. Rodriguez, Pamela J. Feldman, Bruce S. Rabin, and Stephen B. Manuck 

Low-Dose Dexamethasone Suppression Test in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Health 
Jens Gaab, Dominik Huster, Renate Peisen, Veronika Engert, Tanja Schad, Thomas H. Schurmeyer, and Ulrike Ehlert 

Prognosis of Chronic Fatigue in a Community-Based Sample 
Renee R. Taylor, Leonard A. Jason, and Carrie J. Curie 

Atypical Sexual Behavior During Sleep 
Christian Guilleminault, Adam Moscovitch, Kin Yuen, and Dalva Poyares 

Socioeconomic Status and Health: The Role of Sleep 
Philip J. Moore, Nancy E. Adler, David R. Williams, and James S. Jackson 

Critical Incident Exposure and Sleep Quality in Police Officers 
Thomas C. Neylan, Thomas J. Metzler, Suzanne R. Best, Daniel S. Weiss, Jeffrey A. Fagan, Akiva Liberman, Cynthia Rogers. Kumar Vedantham, Alain Brunet, Tami L. Lipsey, and Charles R. Marmar 

Somatosensory Amplification and Its Relationship to Heartbeat Detection Ability 
Jennifer Mailloux and Jasper Brener 

Patients With Erythrophobia (Fear of Blushing) Show Abnormal Autonomic Regulation in Mental Stress Conditions 
Kurt Laederach-Hofmann, Lutz Mussgay. Bruno Buchel, Peter Widler, and Heinz Ruddel

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