PSYCHOMEDIA Telematic Review
Area: Disturbo da Attacchi di Panico
Il Disturbo da Attacchi di Panico
Aquilar, Del Castello - Psicoterapia delle fobie e del panico (FrancoAngeli)
Beck A.T., Emery G. - L'ansia e le fobie. Una prospettiva cognitiva (Astrolabio)
Bowlby J. - Una base sicura (Cortina)
Bowlby J. - Costruzione e rottura dei legami affettivi (Cortina)
Bronwyn, Fox - Liberarsi dall'ansia e dal panico (Tecniche Nuove)
Cultrera V. - Panico (Guaraldi)
Cultrera V. - L'anima in trappola (Mondadori)
Ellis - Ragione ed emozione in psicoterapia (Astrolabio)
Jeffers E., Jeffers S. - Conosci le tue paure (Oscar Mondadori)
Lazarus - La vita è già difficile, perché complicarsela? (Positive)
Letarte A., Letarte M. - La paura di avere paura (S.Paolo - I Prismi)
Lorenzini, Sassaroli - Quando la paura diventa malattia (Paoline)
Marshall J. - La paura degli altri (Longanesi)
Rovetto - Non solo pillole (FrancoAngeli)
Seligman M., Seligman P. - Imparare l'ottimismo (Giunti)
Trickett - L'ansia e le fobie (Paoline)
Watzlawick P. - Istruzioni per rendersi infelici (Feltrinelli)
- Panic Disorder Consensus Statement
National Institutes of Health Consensus Development Conference Statement , 1991.
1 Poonai N, et al; Carbon dioxide inhalation challenges in idiopathicenvironmental intolerance. (J Allergy Clin Immunol, 2000 Feb)
2 Bremner JD, et al; SPECT [I-123]iomazenil measurement of thebenzodiazepine receptor in panic disorder. (Biol Psychiatry, 2000 Jan)
3 Bandelow B, et al; Salivary cortisol in panic attacks. (Am J Psychiatry, 2000 Mar)
4 Ströhle A, et al; Increased ACTH concentrations associated with cholecystokinin tetrapeptide-induced panic attacks in patients with panic disorder. (Neuropsychopharmacology, 2000 Mar)
5 Stewart SH, et al; Illness Attitudes Scale dimensions and theirassociations with anxiety-related constructs in a nonclinical sample. (Behav Res Ther, 2000 Jan)
6 Ferro T, et al; Screening for depression in mothers bringing their offspring for evaluation or treatment of depression. (Am J Psychiatry, 2000 Mar)
7 McCusker J, et al; Outcomes in a referral cohort of patients with anxiety disorders. (J Nerv Ment Dis, 2000 Jan)
8 Cochran SD, et al; Relation between psychiatric syndromes and behaviorally defined sexual orientation in a sample of the US population. (Am J Epidemiol, 2000 Mar)
9 Marshall RD, et al; Childhood trauma and dissociative symptoms in panic disorder. (Am J Psychiatry, 2000 Mar)
10 Kroeze S, et al; Selective attention for cardiac information in panic patients. (Behav Res Ther, 2000 Jan)
11 Willem Van der Does AJ, et al; Heartbeat perception in panic disorder: a reanalysis. (Behav Res Ther, 2000 Jan)
12 Latas M, et al; Predictors of comorbid personality disorders in patients with panic disorder with agoraphobia. (Compr Psychiatry, 2000 Jan)
13 Schmidt NB, et al; The effects of treatment compliance on outcome in cognitive-behavioral therapy for panic disorder: quality versus quantity. (J Consult Clin Psychol, 2000 Feb)
14 Kellner M, et al; Behavioral and endocrine response to cholecystokinin trapeptide in patients with posttraumatic stress disorder. (Biol Psichiatry, 2000 Jan)
15 Hayward C, et al; Predictors of panic attacks in adolescents. (J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry, 2000 Feb)
16 van Balkom AJ, et al; Comorbidity of the anxiety disorders in a community-based older population in The Netherlands. (Acta Psychiatr Scand, 2000 Jan)
17 Mainguy N, et al; Panic disorder with agoraphobia in reaction to gastroenteritis [letter] (Psychosomatics, 2000 Jan)
18 Gambardella A, et al; Familial temporal lobe epilepsy autosomal dominant inheritance in a large pedigree from southern Italy. (Epilepsy Res, 2000 Feb)
19 Rief W, et al; Cognitive behavior therapy in panic disorder and comorbid major depression. A naturalistic study. (Psychother Psychosom, 2000 Mar)
20 Mark P; Carcinoma of breast and panic attacks. (Br Homeopath J, 2000 Jan)
21 Brown ES, et al; The psychiatric sequelae of civilian trauma. (Compr Psychiatry, 2000 Jan)
22 Di Russo F, et al; Abnormal visual event-related potentials in obsessive-compulsive disorder without panic disorder or depression comorbidity. (J Psychiatr Res, 2000 Jan)
23 Garrison GD, et al; Factors affecting prescribing of the newer antidepressants. (Ann Pharmacother, 2000 Jan)