Conference Committee
A Ballerini (Italy) and K.W.M. Fulford (UK) Presidents of the Conference
G Stanghellini (Italy) Conference Organiser
A. Aggernaes (Denmark) Danish Society for Medical Philosophy
A. Barocka (Germany) DGA
A. Beglum (Ireland) Northern Ireland Ethics Forum
E. Bezzubova (Russia) Moscow Group for Philosophy and Psychiatry
J. Bullington (Sweden) Nordic Network for Philosophy, Medicine and
Mental Health
R. Chadwick (UK) International Association for Bioethics
E. Falkum (Norway) Norwegian Group of Philosophy, Medicine and Mental
F. Fuentenebro (Spain) Sociedad de Historia Y Filosofia
G. Gillett (New Zealand) New Zealand Group for Philosophy and Psychiatry
G. Glas (The Netherlands) Philosophy Section of the Dutch Association
for Psychiatry
M. Heinimaa (Finland) Section of the Finnish Division - Nordic Network
M. Heinze (Germany) Society for Philosophy and the Science of Psyche
S. Holm (Denmark) Section of the Danish Division - Nordic Network
C. Kupke (Germany) Society for Philosophy and the Science of the Psyche
J. Martin (Australia) Interest Group for Philosophy and Psychiatry
E. Matthews (Scotland) Scottish Group for Philosophy and Psychiatry
E. Mordini (Italy) Psychoanalytic Institute for Social Research
R. Mullen (New Zealand) New Zealand Group for Philosophy and Psychiatry
M. Musalek (Austria) World Psychiatric Association - Association European
J. Naudin (France) Organiser of the 2nd International Conference on
Philosophy and Psychiatry
Y. örs (Turkey) Compos Mentis - Philosophy Division of the Turkish
Psychiatric Association
A. Pagnini (Italy) Florence Center for History and Philosophy of Science
D. Pringuey (France) Organiser of the 3rd International Conference
on Philosophy and Psychiatry
J. Radden (USA) Association for the Advancement of Philosophy in Psychiatry
A. Romila (Romania) Association of Free Psychiatrists of Romania
M.L. Rovaletti (Argentina) Professor of Phenomenological and Existential
J. Sadler (USA) Association for the Advancement of Philosophy in Psychiatry
Y. Savenko (Russia) President, Independent Psychiatric Association
of Russia
S. Winfield (Australia) Interest Group for Philosophy and Psychiatry
Organising Secretariat
C.S.S. Viale G. Mazzini 70 - 50132 Firenze - Italy
Tel. 39-055-248.02.02 - Fax 39-055-248.02.46 - e-mail
Philosophy and Psychiatry
The IVth International Congress of Psychiatry and Philosophy entitled
"Madness, Science and Society", organized by the Italian Society for Psychopathology
and by the Philosophy Group of the Royal College of Psychiatrists (UK),
will take place in Florence, August 26-29.
The psychiatrist is confronted, because he is called upon by his
patients and by the role attributed to him by society, with questions always
tackled by philosophy.
Very serious and complex questions for which those who have graduated
in Medicine and specialized in Psychiatry could be completely unprepared.
On a strictly clinical level, that is in the doctor-patient relationship,
questions that always have been Philosophy's domain are introduced. For
example, delusion recalls the problem of truth, hallucinations that of
reality, the guilt of the melancholic are inevitable references to the problem
of good and evil, and suicide recalls the problem of free choice. Is it
possible to cure by ignoring adequate philosophical references, epistemological
and ethical aporia in which the human consciousness grapples (often unknowingly),
or by underestimating the existential importance of such questions in the
life of the patient?
In his institutional role, moreover, the psychiatrist is called to
make decisions that would demand specific knowledge of ethics applied to
the bio-medical disciplines. An example among all, that of forced treatment,
a measure that drastically reduces the person's individual liberty to be
able to proceed with mandatory cures. The psychiatrist often finds himself
between the devil and the deep blue sea: an abuse would stand for false
imprisonment on one hand and the incompetent's surrender on the other.
The prison abuses of psychiatry in totalitarian regimes - this Shoa in
errant and dissenting consciousness - are a painful legacy that the last
century has left us; whereas the city's underground (train stations and
subways) bear witness, on the contrary, of how the sacred union between
madness and marginalization expends itself in the so-called liberal countries,
thanks to budgetary health policies.
Another example: how will the eugenic risk be dealt with in the Human
Genome project? On what ethical presuppositions, on the basis of what conception
of the condicio humana (human condition) will the limit between vulnerability
and illness be established? Will it be possible to evade or dispose of
general assertions of principle, the problem of bio-eccentricity - of the
relationships between vulnerability to schizophrenia, schizophrenic illness
and creativity? Will it be finally possible to grant adequate attention
(and adequate financing) to those studies that seek to establish the characteristics
of divergent, hyper-inclusive and allusive thought - or, as it is said
today, "trans-liminal" thought - that unites the schizophrenic ill with
that category of people capable of completing cognitive acrobatics that
reveal connections between elements that logical-rational thought doesn't
see and that instead allow to achieve original solutions to old problems?
More practical and compelling problems also exist, such as that of
the use of drugs in so-called sub-clinical or "under the threshold" conditions,
for example the so-called mood disorders. It deals with intermediate conditions
between normality and supposed vulnerability to real mental illnesses (emotional
disorders such as for example depression); conditions, therefore, whose
treatment hovers between forced normalization on one hand and real prevention
on the other. This kind of choices doesn't involve the individual physician
and his patient, but is placed in a horizon that incorporates the concept
of normality and illness, the image of man passed or failed by a psychiatry
that has social adaptation or individual well-being, social expectations
and the interests of pharmaceutical companies that condition research as
its objective.
Here one no longer speaks only of the cure as medical category, but
of the cure in itself as a way in which each man enters in relationship
with himself, thinks of himself and knows himself, chooses and chooses
himself. Here one speaks of the way in which man thinks of his body, the
dark source of his feelings, his moods, of feeling himself attracted or
rejected, interested or bored. Is boredom an illness? Who should answer
this question? And on the basis of what assumptions, psychopathological
or anthropological?
Psychiatrists not only need the good advice of philosophers, but also
the errors of philosophers. The in-depth knowledge of some philosophical
systems or positions that ominously resemble some psychopathological conditions
could throw open an unexpected dimension of understanding of mental pathology
(and in psychiatry "understanding" is the fundamental presupposition of
"curing"). This is true for stoicism (the withdrawal from a divided and
unlivable world), skepticism (the attempt to argumentatively annihilate
the differentness of the world) and idealism (the belief that the world
is my own representation), for example. Not few philosophers - and among
these above all Wittgenstein - have conceived their own philosophy as a
real cure of the errors of the philosophers that preceded them. The illness
that grips most philosophers, for which Wittgenstein searches a remedy,
is solipsism - the doctrine according to which reality is nothing other
than a representation rendered possible by a thinking individual and that
is destined to dissolve as soon as the individual itself dissolves. Isn't
this the same metaphysical stupor in front of which a lot of lives that
we define as "schizophrenic" come to a halt? From the "diagnoses" of the
philosophers, and relative "cures", psychiatrists have a lot to learn.
Not only psychiatrists need philosophers, but also philosophers need
If the objective of psychiatry is, in the first place, to understand
the condition of the individual sufferer, that of Philosophy is the understanding
of the human condition in general, in which suffering (and madness) plays
a fundamental role.
"Madness is a necessary stage in the development of the spirit". These
are Hegel's words, which in a single blow erase the idea that madness is
pure non-sense, the negation of man's humanity. To the contrary, Man does
not exist without the possibility of Madness.
Vulnerability - that is the condition of the possibility of madness
- and the human condition correspond: eccentricity, the non-correspondence
with oneself, the lack of the objective correlative to one's own identity,
the incompleteness as destiny of a perpetual becoming, the doubleness as
condemnation to liberty represent the formal structure of the humanity
of Man and Madness. Therefore, starting with Hegel and culminating in the
philosophies of the twentieth century (from phenomenology to existentialism,
to Wittgenstein), in philosophy abnormal phenomena are those "who wear
trousers" (Austin) and therefore point to the main road in the understanding
of man.
Psychiatry has become the North Star in philosophical anthropology:
but are the psychiatrists aware of it?
Giovanni Stanghellini
Conference Organizer
Saturday, August 26
17:00 - Opening Ceremony
Salone de' Cinquecento - Palazzo Vecchio
A. Ballerini and K.W.M. Fulford (Conference Presidents)
Keynote addresses
P.L. Scapicchio, Past President of the Società Italiana di Psichiatria,
R.E. Kendell, Past President of the Royal College of Psychiatrists
Opening Lecture
Paolo Rossi, Professor of Philosophy, Accademia dei Lincei
"Magic, science and the equality of human wits"
English folk songs
Welcome cocktail in Palazzo Vecchio
Sunday, August 27
Room A - Symposium "Psychopathology: back to the future"
Chairpersons: M. Musalek, G. Stanghellini
Developmental psychopathology of the emotional system: impact on psychiatry.
F. Resch, P. Parzer, R. Brunner, E. Koch
The psychopathological premises for the psychotherapy of delusion.
Ch. Mundt
The influence of society on the concepts of madness 1900-2000. E. Gabriel
Schizophrenia and the loss of freedom. O.P. Wiggins, M.A. Schwartz
Room B - Seminar "Compulsory treatment and the right to self-determination"
Chairperson: G.A.M. Widdershoven
Competence to refuse treatment in anorexia nervosa. J.O.A. Tan, A.
Stewart, R.A. Hope
Advance directives in psychiatric care: a communicative approach. G.A.M.
Widdershoven, R.L.P. Berghmans
Accomplishing compliance outside the hospital without using the law.
S. Sjöström
Ought we to sentence people to psychiatric treatment?. T. Tännsjö
Room C - Seminar "Risk factors and outcomes evaluation"
Chairperson: P.-A. Tengland
Cannabis use correlates with schizoptypal personality traitsin 232
healthy students. P. Dumas, C. Gutknecht, M. Saoud, S. Bouafia, J. Dalery,
T. d'Amato
Family risk factors of mental disorders and medical-genetic aid. E.V.
Philosophical aspects of evaluating psychiatric and psychotherapeutic
treatment. P.-A. Tengland
Room D - Symposium "Technology and psychiatry"
Chairperson: J. Phillips
The technological mode of being manifested in psychiatric classification.
J.Z. Sadler
The dominance of technical reason in contemporary psychiatry. J. Phillips
Praxis-based versus Technology-based psychotherapy: An initial exploration
of differences. L.S. Berger
Room E - Seminar "Narrative and meaning"
Chairperson: J. Naudin
New hermeneutic: clinical considerations. D. Padro Moreno
Il dramma della psichiatria: una scienza in cerca del suo metodo. J.
Del Meglio
A typology of the envious man. G. Di Piazza, M. Nitti, F. Brogi, F.
Cernuto, M. Cerretini, M. Del Sole, L. Luccarelli, V. Migliorini., P. Castrogiovanni
About thoughts' mutual constraint during the cultural trip. J. Naudin
Room A - "Plenary session"
Chairperson: M. Maj (Italy)
The anthropological project of today's psychopathology. B. Callieri
10:45 - 11:00 - Coffee break
Room A - Symposium "Psychopathology as the science of the suffering
Chairperson: M. Heinze
Suffering and measuring - the problem of objectivity in psychopathology.
M. Heinze
The transformation of identity in the course of schizophrenic illness.
K. Leferink
The concept of suffering in the definition of mental disorders. A.
The experience of "another time" in melancholical suffering. Chr. Kupke
Room B - Symposium "Psychiatry and phenomenology: Italy 1960-2000"
Chairperson: G. Gozzetti
The sense of phenomenology in today's psychiatry. E. Borgna
The structure of the communitarian place in a phenomenological view.
G. Calvi, L. Calvi
The role of psychopathology in the daily routine of a Psychiatric Service.
L. Cappellari
Community psychiatry and its tacit foundation. M. Rossi Monti
Italian Psychiatric services after the Law 180. F. Asioli
Room C - Symposium "Combining empirical and philosophical methods"
Chairpersons: J. Sadler, K.W.M Fulford
Models of disorder in the management of schizophrenia: an empirical
study combining philosophical and social science methods. A. Colombo
A neo-Aristotelian ethics of care in medical health. A. Noguera
A phenomenology of dyslexia: practical implications for users, practitioners
and researchers. M. Philpott
Perceived quality of co-operation- A study of two different modes of
organizing work in psychiatric teams. A. Hempel
Empirical methods in values research. J. Sadler
Room D - Symposium "Antipsychiatry today: the user's voice"
Chairperson: P. Thomas
Antiphilosophy and its implications for antipsychiatry. Y. Örs
Latent forms of antipsychiatry. Y. Savenko, L. Vinogradova
The application of Foucault to the psychopathic offender. D. Hargreaves
Involving service users in the appointment of consultant psychiatrists.
J.P. Watson, I. Morris, A. Jefford
The concept of mental disorder: the 1960s critiques and their post-modern
development. D. Bolton
Room E - Video presentation and Workshop
Towards integration of Euro-American and traditional African therapies:
a transcultural exploration of the treatment of psychosis in a post-modern
world. H. Campbell, E. Burke
13:00 - 14:00 - Lunch break
Room A - Plenary session
Chairperson: R. McClelland (Ireland)
Anxiety - animal reactions and the embodiment of meaning. G. Glas (Netherland)
Room A - Symposium "Rationality, emotion and the self in schizophrenia"
Chairperson: Ch. Hoerl
The rationality of delusions: framework beliefs and constraints on
rationality. J. Campbell
Thought-insertion and immunity to error through misidentification.
C. Hoerl
Room B - Seminar "Psychiatry and the past beyond the history
of psychiatry. I"
Chairperson: M. Galzigna
Origins of psychotherapy. D. Padro Moreno
On the "romantic" and the "rationalistic" in psychiatry. J. Ihanus
Incoherence and significance: reading the logic or madness of the Renaissance
physician and philosopher Girolamo Cardano. K. Jensen
Melancholic states: two sixteenth century epistemologies. J. Radden
Room C - Seminar "Philosophical foundations of psychotherapies.
Chairperson: P.F. Pieri
Psycotherapy ethics and Immanuel Kant. J.S. Callender
Working with the wichdoctors. A cognitive-behavioral psychologist enters
the land of psychiatry. J. Hegarty
Psychopathology and Psychotherapy in a Systematic Dialectical Perspective.
G.G. Giacomini
How specific can the psychotherapeutic intervention be?. E. Jakobsson
Room D - Seminar "Problems of conceptualisation and assessment
in psychiatry. I"
Chairperson: J.P. Watson
A name, what's in a name? The medicalisation of childhood hyperactivity
revisited. H. Klasen
Limitations of the mental state examination: context and social construction.
J.P. Watson
Beliefs and superstitions as a way of psychological defense in structure
of harmonious personality and in mental health disturbances. I.Ya. Stoyanova,
V.Ya. Semke, N.A. Bokhan, S.A. Oshayev, D.V. Dobryanskaya
Diagnostic practice in schizophrenia: are gender differences related
to cultural bias by clinicians?. A. Hoeye, V. Hansen, R. Olstad, A. Wifstad
Room E - Seminar "The social construction of madness and of
psychiatry. I"
Chairperson: N. Potter
Away with the fairies: young people's stories and the social construction
of madness. M. van Beinum, H. Connery
Deconstructing utopian ambivalence: the psychiatrist as institution
within the discourse of psychiatry. E. Keirnan
Can postmodernism provide a meaningful discourse on the interface between
madness and citizenship in a democracy?. N. Potter
Mad, bad or disagreeing? On moral competence and the philosophical
justification of responsibility. M.M.S.K. Sie
Room A - Plenary session
Chairperson: P. Castrogiovanni (Italy)
The role of psychopathology in science and society. M. Musalek (Austria)
16:30 - 16:45 - Coffee break
Room A - Symposium "Epistemic models in biological research"
Chairperson: A.C. Ballerini
Discovery & drug development process for new psychiatric therapies.
A. Colzi
The schizophrenia. The contribution of the psychopharmacology to the
evolution of the knowledge of a multifaceted disease. M. Balestrieri
Clinical psychopharmacological research: logical empirism or logical
fallacy? G. Rutigliano
Psychopathological models of psychotropic drugs prescription. M. Rossi
Room B - Seminar "Psychiatry and the past beyond the history
of psychiatry. II"
Chairperson: J. Radden
How psychiatry represses its past. H. Malmgren
Hitchcock, Cavell and Capgras. S. Winfield
Psychology and Cosmology. F. Leoni
Aligning melancholia and depression - Ontological commitments. J. Radden
Room C - Seminar "Philosophical foundations of psychotherapies.
Chairperson: A. Kraus
Philosophically-informed psychotherapy. E.L. Hersch
Phenomenological methods in psychotherapy. F. Madioni, M. Archinard
A new psychological model for individual and social responsibility
in depression, anxiety and stress. C.R.F. Sherlock
Existential psychoanalysis of mysophobia (délire de toucher,
Schmutzphobie). A. Kraus
Room D - Seminar "Problems of conceptualisation and assessment in psychiatry.
Chairperson: M. Ballerini
Two continua of dissociative experiences: a much-needed distinction.
C. Krüger
Delusions as performance failures. A program note. P. Gerrans
The concept of a psychiatric symptom. T. Suomela
From day dream to delusion: on the phenomenology of transition from
Mundane to pathological imagination. J. Morley
Tardive dyskinesia. A.O. Brundusino
Room E - Seminar "The social construction of madness and of
psychiatry. II"
Chairperson: S. Rashid
The role of the social background in the treatment of multiple sclerosis
(MS) in Greece. D. Kountouris
Is the society mad?. A. Romila, V. Marinescu
Social approaches to treatment and prevention of somatoform disorders.
G.N. Khandourina
The philosophical significance of R. D. Laing. S. Raschid
Room A - Plenary session
Chairperson: G. Placidi (Italy)
Preventing severe mental illnesses: new prospects and ethical challenges.
K.F. Schaffner (USA)
Room A - Panel discussion
Monday, August 28
Room A - Symposium "Consciousness (awareness) and insight in
Chairperson: M.L. Bourgeois
Consciousness, awareness and insight in psychopathology. M.L. Bourgeois
Insight and auditory hallucinations. J. Naudin, G. Stanghellini, M.A.
Schwartz, O.P. Wiggins, J-M. Azorin
Models of consciousness in schizophrenia. P. Boyer
Psychotraumatic stress and consciousness. F. Lebigot
Phenomenological insight and psychiatric experience. D. Pringuey
Room B - Symposium "Agency and context: in schizophrenia: Anglo-American
and continental approach"
Chairperson: A.L. Mishara
The disturbance of mental agency in schizophrenia. T. Fuchs
Neural correlates of agency. Do they help to explain schizophrenic
experience?. H. Walter
Perception, action and context in schizophrenia: cognitive and phenomenological
approaches. A.L. Mishara
Agency and context in schizophrenia: a dialectical relationship. W.
Function and dysfunction of a comparator system proposed as selecting
the contents of consciousness. J.A. Gray
"Furtive abductions". Schizophrenia, the lived-body, and dispossession
of the self. L. Sass
Room C - Seminar "Philosophical foundations of psychotherapies.
Chairperson: S. Winfield
Penser la mutation. J.-P. Royol
From the psychoanalysis to the social psychology: a current perspective
of the Operative Group by Riviere-Pichon Enrique. A. Maio
Hermeneutic problems of the psychiatric listening. C.F. Muscatello
A course on philosophy and psychoanalysis. S. Winfield
Room D - Seminar "Ethical and epistemological issues in psychopathology"
Chairperson: I. Izídio da Costa
What is adolescent autonomy and how can clinicians promote it? A. Stewart,
T. Hope
Dissociative identity disorder and intrapersonal justice. W.H. Wilcox
Grammatical reflection on schizophrenia. I. Izídio da Costa
The value of autonomy in psychiatry. J. McMillan
Room E - Seminar "Philosophers on madness. The dialogue between
philosophy and psychopathology. I"
Chairperson: G. Adshead
The influence of Ludwig Wittgenstein Asperger's syndrome on philosophy
in the 20th century. M. Fitzgerald
Forgetting familiar faces: Wittgenstein on the disease model of dementia.
J.C. Hughes
Delirium and reason in Kants' criticism of pure reason. E.M. Coleclough
Room A - Plenary session
Chairperson: J.A. Gray (England)
Abolishing subjectivity: generalising Wittgenstein's insights about
expression. R. Harré (England, Wales and Northern Ireland)
10:45 - 11:15 - Coffee break
Room A - Symposium "Understanding and psychiatry"
Chairperson: M. Heinimaa
The limits of understanding. L. Hertzberg
Art in individual and collective schizophrenia and art about these
phenomena.. A.-H. Siirala, M. Siirala
Understanding delusion?. A. Ballerini
Identification of schizophrenia before diagnosis: "....behaviour without
understandable reason".. V. Räkköläinen, M.-L. Heinonen
Misunderstanding schizophrenia. E. Iso-Koivisto
Room B - Symposium "The right to be authentic: personal identity,
social norm and psychiatric nosolology in post-soviet Russia"
Chairperson: E. Bezzubova
Personal identity from the existential-phenomenological point of view.
T. Schevelenkova
"Clinical reality" as a typical pattern of psychiatrist's mentality.
N.A. Zorin
Psychiatry and religion new mutual relation. B. Voskressensky
Ontogenesis of corporality and mythology of the disease. A. Pavlichenko
From the pathography to the existential psychiatry. V. Palmova
Room C - Seminar "Time, space and psychosis. The phenomenology
of psychotic symptoms"
Chairperson: N. Depraz
Vampires in psychiatry. B. Kelly
What methodology for understand voices?. I. Banovic
Schizophrenia as a temporal mode of beeing: an existential "ante-festum"
impatience. D. Pringuey, F.S. Kohl, S. Thauby
Time as Self-anticipation. The case studies of epileptic seizures.
N. Depraz
Room D - Seminar "Mental disorders and biomedical science"
Chairperson: R. Vizioli
On "biological psychiatry". P. Hoff
Challenges of the technoscientific world: the concept of man in the
light of biomedical advance. J.L. Polonuer
F W Sperry between neurophysiology and philosophy. R. Vizioli, L. Orazi
The new genetics and biological reductionism: psychiatry, determinism
and free will entering the 21st century. D. Sullivan
Agency, brain imaging and psychopathology. S.A. Spence
Room E - Seminar "Philosophers on madness. The dialogue between
philosophy and psychopathology. II"
Chairperson: C.W. Van Staden
A naturalistic interpretation of the concept of delusion. A. Almér
The language of psychosis in the twentieth century: from phenomenological
to illocutionary approach. J. Zislin
Linguistic reflections of recovery: first person pronoun usage and
semantic positions of patients. C.W. Van Staden
Further reflections on the contemporary mental and physical distinction:
Socrates and Euthyphro. K. Hammond
Consequences of subject notion (Gadamer versus Lacan) in psychiatric
praxis. D. Padro Moreno
13:15 - 14:15 - Lunch break
Room A - Plenary session
Chairperson: D. Bolton (England)
Form and content, the role of discourse in mental disorder. G. Gillett
(New Zealand)
Room A - Symposium "Reductionism"
Chairperson: A.C. Ballerini
Ontological reduction and integration in psychiatric genetics research.
J.Z. Sadler
Reductionism and historiography. G. Gozzini
Complexity and formalism. A. Sanesi
Reductionism in the philosophy of mind. S. Nannini
Room B - Symposium "Psychopathology and responsibility"
Chairperson: P.S. Greenspan
Responsible Psychopaths (and Other Emotionally Impaired Moral Agents).
P.S. Greenspan
Evil and moral competence: what psychopaths can teach us. S. Dwyer
The gallows and the lust. E. Mordini
The puzzle of non-autonomous intentional action. C. Perring
Room C - Seminar "Evolutionary models in psychopathology"
Chairperson: P. Hoff
The sexual competition hypothesis for eating disorders. R.T. Abed
Using selection theory to understand the effects of culture, cognition
and biology in psychological disorders. W. Mansell
Human altruism, genes and psychosis. V. Murray, J. Barnes
A common mode of operation in nervous systems with differing levels
of evolutionary complexity. S. KarakaB, Y. Örs
Room D - Seminar "Delusion"
Chairperson: A. Barocka
The negative and positive element of delusion - a new Jacksonian concept.
Ph. Portwich, A. Barocka
Alterisation and ego constitution in delusional experience: the history
of Mary Magdalene. F-S. Kohl, D. Pringuey, F. Cherikh, S. Thauby
Method, metaphor and meaning in madness. O. Reichard
Room E - Seminar "Philosophers on madness. The dialogue between
philosophy and psychopathology. III"
Chairperson: D. McManus
Wittgenstein, madness and the will to metaphysics. D. McManus
Towards the essence of the family roles. J.F. Jacko
Non-reductive naturalism and the analysis of biological function statements.
T. Thornton
Intentionality and vulnerability. S. Spinelli
Room A - Plenary session
Chairperson: M. Heinze (Germany)
Phenomenology and psychosomatics. M.L. Rovaletti (South America)
Room A - Plenary session
Chairperson: S.A. Spence (England)
Mental disorder as an excuse. E. Matthews (Scotland)
17:15 - 17:30 Coffee break
Room A - Plenary session
Chairperson: A. Barocka (Germany)
Incomprehensibility. M. Heinimaa (Scandinavia)
Room A - Plenary session
Chairperson: D. Pringuey (France)
The relationship between history and epistemology in psychiatry. G.
Lanteri-Laura (France)
Room A - Panel discussion
Panel discussion. An International Network of Philosophy, Ethics and
Mental Health.
Chairpersons: K.W.M. Fulford (England), J. Sadler (USA), G. Stanghellini
21:00 Social Dinner at the Grand Hotel Baglioni Roof Garden
Tuesday, August 29
Room A - Symposium "Evil: psychopathological and philosophical
Chairperson: J. Glover
Moral reasoning in individuals with personality disorder. G. Adshead,
S. Nicholson, E. Skoe
The social construction of evil in a forensic setting. T. Mason
Do we need evil? C. Brown
The Medea tragedy, updated. E.P. Trager
Room B - Seminar "Ethics and authenticity in society"
Chairperson: M.C. Chung
Madness and immoral sense: recent concepts of mental illness and problems
of ethics. P. Trnka
Moral responsibility and personality disorder. A. Bray
Agency and akratic actions in existential psychotherapy. M.C. Chung
Ethics and psychiatry: to look like "The authentic ones". A.O. Brundusino,
G. Longo
Room C - Symposium "Shame and social anxiety"
Chairperson: P.L. Cabras
The experience of shame as organizer of psychopathological disorders.
A. Ballerini
Cognitive aspects of social phobias. F. Galassi
Biological therapy of social phobias. M. Balestrieri
Social phobias: an emergent disorder. P.L. Cabras
Room D - Seminar "The suffering body: somatic pain and somatoform
Chairperson: H. Lang
Pain perception, body image, communication habits. F. Brogi, M. Cerretini,
G. Di Piazza, M. Del Sole, L. Luccarelli, V. Migliorini, M. Nitti
Psychotic dimension in algic disorder: subtype or nuclear feature?.
M. Cerretini, F. Brogi, G. Di Piazza, M. Del Sole, L. Luccarelli, V. Migliorini,
M. Nitti, P. Castrogiovanni
Structural prerequisites for a symptom shift between psychosomatic
and depressive/schizoaffective disorders. H. Lang
Gender features in the treatment of somatoform disorders. G.G. Beskrovny,
G.N. Khandourina
Room E - Seminar "Stigmatisation and destigmatisation"
Chairperson: P. Serra
Psychological Dimension of a Sociological Problem: Stigmatization.
K. Arikan
Stigmatization and destigmatization: might a multidisciplinary approach
be valid?. H. Dogan
Suffering in schizophrenia. P. Schönknecht
Soviet sluggish schizophrenia: clinical sign or social stigma?. E.
Room A - Plenary session
Chairperson: A. Pazzagli (Italy)
Towards a psyche for psychiatry. R. Meares (Australia)
10:30 - 10:45 - Coffee break
Room A - Plenary session
Chairperson: Ch. Mundt (Germany)
Phenomenological-anthropological approach to diagnosis and classification.
A. Kraus (Germany)
Room A - Symposium "Social psychopathology"
Chairpersons: R. Harré, G. Stanghellini
Melancholia as a desynchronization. T. Fuchs
Philosophical underpinnings and empathy. H. Lang
Psychopathology of common sense. G. Stanghellini
Rationality and consciousness from a process perspective. M. Weber
Subject and identity: suggestions from psychiatric practice. R. Dalle
Room B - Symposium "Critical psychiatry"
Chairperson: P. Bracken, P. Thomas
Postpsychiatry: a new direction for mental health. P. Bracken, P. Thomas
Hearing voices: reclaiming the experience. M. Romme, S. Escher
Strategies for living with mental distress...User-led research in practice.
A. Faulkner, V. Nicholls
Beyond psychopathology I: voices, culture and society. I. Leudar
Beyond psychopathology II: redefining the experiences of psychosis.
T. Bock
Room C - Symposium "Philosophy of psychotherapy in Russia"
Chairperson: F. Vasilyuk
Introduction. F. Vasilyuk
Toward the synergetic psychotherapy: a history of hopes. F.E. Vasilyuk,
O.V. Filippovskaya
Gerontopsychiatry. Meaning of life as psychotherapeutic problem. N.
Clergyman and psychotherapist or clergyman-psychotherapist?. B. Voskressensky
Ethnofunctional approach in preventing drug dependence. M.S. Radionova
The therapeutical model in the structure of the philosophy of M. Heidegger.
A. Sosland
Myth in neurotic love. A. Bondarenko
Room D - Seminar "Ethics in psychiatry: the social context"
Chairperson: C. Brown
The importance of the concept of relational agency in psychiatric care.
M. Verkerk
The interpersonal mind and the ownership of feeling. A.J. Korner
The phenomenological approach to social competence: a critique of the
normative model of social dysfunction in schizophrenia. M. Ballerini
Ethics for psychiatrists derived from virtue theory. A. Fraser
Public deliberation and private choice: an inclusive approach to psychiatric
ethics. M. Parker
Re-assessment of social cohesion in a situation of exogenous threat.
P. Mannoni, C. Bonardi
Room E - Seminar "Empirical methods and psychiatric ethics"
Chairperson: T. Kitamura
What have you been told about the disease? Information about illness
among dementia patients. M. Marzanski
Competence: a factor analytic study. T. Kitamura and colleagues (see
abstract for the full list)
The ethical, legal and social problems arising from changes in psychiatric
classification as a result of the new technologies in brain research. J.M.
Vile, K.W.M. Fulford, M.D. Beer
Interpersonal processes - a new anthropology. R. McClelland
Closing ceremony (Room A)
Chairperson: G. Stanghellini (Italy)
Concluding address. Psychiatry and the rule of law. D. Robinson
Distinguished Research Professor, Georgetown University, and Faculty
Fellow in Philosophy, University of Oxford
Final remarks
A. Ballerini, K.W.M. Fulford
The Meeting will be held at Centro Didattico Morgagni, Viale G. Morgagni
44, Florence. The Opening ceremony will be held in Palazzo Vecchio, Salone
de' Cinquecento, Piazza della Signoria on Saturday August 26 at 17:00.
The city of Florence
Florence is a city of meetings, this has always been so over the centuries
and this is why it always welcomed people from every Country and culture.
Florence has always inspired the greatest artists in history from Leonardo
da Vinci and Dante to Goethe, Byron and Shelley; from Brunelleschi to Giotto
and Cimabue; from Donatello and Michelangelo to Cellini. Without interruption,
naturally and effortlessly, Florence has continued to be a cultural reference
point: a place to meet and exchange ideas, a place of mutual inspiration.
The Conference will also be a source of renewed enthusiasm at being
together in a city as it prepares to reveal its treasures and secrets.
Florence should not only be identified in its museums, its palaces belonging
to the aristocracy, galleries, squares, cloisters, basilicas, but it should
be seen in people's hearts, in its craftsmen, and in the sharp wit of its
Organising Secretariat
The Organising Secretariat is in charge of the organisation of all
congress activities and will collect registration forms of all participants,
as well as scientific papers.
Trade exhibition
A technical exhibit will display materials, books and scientific equipment.
It will be open to all registrants throughout the Meeting. This exhibition
will be situated within the Congress area. Companies interested in participating
are requested to contact the Organising Secretariat.
Secretariat at the Congress site
The Secretariat will be open on Saturday, August 26, from 15.00 to
18.00. During the following days the Secretariat will be open from Sunday,
August 27 to Tuesday, August 29, from 8.00 to 19.00.
Registration fees
Congress Fees (VAT included) after April 15, 2000
Participants ITL. 480,000
Students* ITL. 360,000
Gala Dinner ITL. 80,000 each
Ticket lunch ITL. 40,000 each
*Students must send a certificate
The participant registration fee includes:
admittance to scientific sessions; congress kit; certificate of attendance;
welcome cocktail coffee breaks
Official airline
Meridiana has been appointed the official airline for this Conference.
Meridiana, Italy's largest privately owned scheduled airline serving 27
destinations in 7 European countries, has been appointed the official airline
for this conference and operates daily flights from London, Amsterdam,
Paris and Barcelona into Florence airport situated only 15 minutes from
the city centre. They are offering special round trip discount fares of
up to 50% in economy class for delegates and spouses staying for a minimum
of two nights in Florence. Electa Club Business Class supplements are available
on request. For flight reservations and further information contact Lupus
Travel in London on telephone +44 171 3063000, facsimile +44 171 2872142
or Email <>.
Official Travel Agency
CSS Viaggi (V.le G. Mazzini 70 - 50132 Florence, Italy - Phone +39
055 2480242, Fax +39 055 2480245, e-mail is
the official travel agency of the congress and will be available at the
Secretariat throughout the Meeting.
Hotel accommodation
In order to reserve an hotel room, we kindly ask all participants to
fill in the enclosed form and send it back with the required deposit to
CSS Viaggi.
The hotel accommodation is guaranteed only to those people sending
their request by June 15, 2000. All the following requests will be subject
to availability. The travel agency will send a written confirmation specifying
the name and address of the hotel together with the invoice for the total
amount of the stay. The amount has to be settled within July 15, 2000.
Prices and deposit required
Single room: Category
Min. Max.
**** 240.000 390.000
*** 155.000 280.000
** 140.000 195.000
Double room: Category
Min. Max.
**** 280.000 430.000
*** 215.000 340.000
** 200.000 220.000
The rates shown include accommodation and continental style breakfast.
The deposit required covers a one (1) night stay and 30.000 Italian Liras
as an agency fee.
If single rooms are not available the travel agency will book double
rooms for single use.
Remittance procedure
The payment of the registration fee should be made in Italian Liras
- personal or bank cashier's check payable to C.S.S.
- credit card: Visa - Master Card - Eurocard
The Hotel accommodation deposit should be made in Italian Liras by:
- personal or bank cashier's check made out to CSS Viaggi S.r.l.
- credit card: Visa - Master Card - Eurocard
Cancellation of registration should be addressed to C.S.S. and be sent
by June 15, 2000.
Those who will send their cancellation notice by June 15, 2000 will
receive a refund for the fee with a penalty of ITL. 50,000. For cancellation
received after June 15, 2000 no refund will be possible. Please note that
all refunds will be processed after the end of the congress.
Cancellation of the hotel reservation should be addressed to C.S.S.
Those who send their cancellation notice of the total hotel booking
by June 15, 2000 will receive a refund of the total amount paid with a
penalty of ITL. 100,000 for administrative costs. For cancellation received
after June 15, 2000 will receive a refund for the 50% of the total amount
paid with a penalty of ITL. 100,000 for administrative costs. For cancellation
received after July 15, 2000 no refund will be possible.
Those who send their cancellation notice of part hotel booking by June
15, 2000 will receive a total refund. For cancellation received after June
15, 2000 will receive a refund for the 50% of the night cancelled. For
cancellation received after July 15, 2000 no refund will be possible.
Please note that all refunds will be sent after the Congress.
Slide projection / Overhead projection
All meeting rooms will be equipped with overhead projectors and slide
projectors for single projection. Slides must be 50x50 mm, in plastic or
metal mounts. All slides need to be numbered, and delivered to the slide
centre at least 2 hours before the beginning of the session. As concerning
the slides for the first morning session, the speaker is required to deliver
them the day before.
Abstracts and full papers submitted will be available on the web on PSYCHOMEDIA
Also, the posters and hard copies submitted will be available for the
whole period of the conference in a separate room that will be used as
a Library and Reading Room.
Official languages
English will be the official language of the Meeting. Simultaneous
translation into Italian will be provided during Plenary sessions and Panel
Certificate of attendance
The certificate of attendance will be issued to all registered participants.
The organisers reserve the right to change the program in case of technical
or scientific necessities.