Thursday, May 1, 2008
Registration and Cocktail Party
Opening Welcome Address:
Yoseph Mekori, Dean of Sackler Faculty of Medicine
Judith Mitrani, Chair FTMT
Michel Granek, Head of Program of Psychotherapy, Tel-Aviv University
Alina Schellekes, Conference Chairperson
Yolanda Gampel: Recollections of Frances Tustin
Plenary Session
Chairperson: Alina Schellekes
Suzanne Maiello: The Survival Code: Autistic Barriers in an Adult Patient
Discussant: Judith Mitrani
Friday, May 2, 2008
Plenary Session
Chairperson: Ted Mitrani
Moshe Halevi Spero: A Neglected but Nontrivial Anticipation by Freud of the Concept of the Psychic Envelope
Discussant: Vincenzo Bonaminio
Coffee Break
Plenary Session
Chairperson: Ofra Eshel
Neville Symington: Not I
Discussant: Moshe Landau
Lunch - at Dan Panorama Hotel (included in registration fee)
Clinical Workshops in Parallel Groups.
Clinical Supervisors:
1. Judith Mitrani; JoAnn Culbert-Koehn
2. Ted Mitrani; Chiara Cattelan
3. Naama Keinan ; Jane Van Buren
4. Shirley Gooch; James Gooch
5. Hagit Aharoni; Avner Bergstein; (Hebrew)
6. Britta Blomberg; Celia Fix Korbivcher
7. Maria Pozzi; Tessa Zadok
8. Joshua Durban; Galit Gampel
9. Bianca Lechevalier-Haïm; Gerard Pulver (French)
10. Pam Platek-Yogev; Tami Pollak (Hebrew)
All groups will be conducted in English unless otherwise specified. In groups 1-5 an adult case will be presented. In groups 6-10 a child/adolescent case will be presented.
Cultural Evening at Suzanne Dellal Arts Centre, Neve-Tzedek: "Kef Kafim" - Dance Performance of The Kibbutz Contemporary Dance Company (included in registration fee)
Saturday, May 3, 2008 - All lectures on Saturday will be held at Gesher Theater, Noga Hall, 9 Sderot Yerushalayim, Jaffa
Plenary Session
Chairperson: Naama Keinan
Maria Rhode: The Wellsprings of Memory: Moving on From Concreteness
Discussant: Bianca Lechevalier-Haïm
Coffee Break
Plenary Session
Chairperson: Yolanda Gampel
Joan Symington: Bristling and Raw, Tiny and Lost
Discussant: Chiara Cattelan
Lunch - at Gesher Theater, Noga Hall (included in registration fee)
Round Table Discussion: From the Black Hole of Nothingness to the Emergence of Meaning
The discussion will relate to the topic of the conference in the context of Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck's film: Das Leben der Anderen (The Lives of Others)
Chairperson: Vincenzo Bonaminio
JoAnn Culbert-Koehn
Veronika Grueneisen
Beatriz Priel
Yechezkiel Cohen
For those who did not have a chance to view the film "The Lives of Others", the film will be shown on Thursday, May 1 at 13:00 at Dan Panorama Hotel.
Judith Mitrani: Closing Remarks
Tel Aviv by Night - Gala Dinner
Location and details will be further announced
Registration forms will be processed and accepted in order of arrival.
Pre-Conference Supervision Groups
In addition to the conference, on Thursday, May 1, 2008, there will be five pre-conference supervision groups, at the location of the conference, Dan Panorama Hotel. Case presentations will be selected ahead of time.
The groups will be led by the following:
Between 10:00 - 12:30:
1. Judith Mitrani
2. Ted Mitrani
3. Suzanne Maiello
Between 15:00 - 17:30:
4. Maria Rhode
5. Neville Symington
Touring possibilities
On Wednesday, April 30 and on Sunday, May 4, 2008 a number of touring possibilities are suggested:
Tour nr.1- Tel-Aviv and Caesarea
Tour nr.2- Jerusalem
Tour nr.3- Galilee
Tour nr.4- the Dead Sea.
Each tour will be accompanied by an authorized English speaking tour guide - see details on the registration forms.
Board of The Frances Tustin Memorial Trust
Judith Mitrani, Los Angeles, Chair FTMT
James Gooch, Los Angeles
Theodore Mitrani, Los Angeles
JoAnn Culbert-Koehn, Los Angeles
Naomi Thorpe, Brentwood
Leigh B. Tobias, Los Angeles
Conference Organization
Tel Aviv University, Sackler Faculty of Medicine, School of Continuing Medical Education, Program of Psychotherapy
The Frances Tustin Memorial Trust
Scientific Committee
Michel Granek
Shlomo Mendlovic
Yoel Miller
Tami Pollak
Alina Schellekes, Chair
For further information:
Conference Secretariat
43 Koreh Hadorot St. , Jerusalem 93393, Israel
Tel.: 00 - 972 - 2 - 6731471
Fax: 00-972 - 2 - 6714190
Mobile: 050 - 5207050
or 00-972-50-5207050 (from abroad)
Conference Website: