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Regular Articles
Imiparmine and Diet Counseling with Psychological Support in the Treatment
of Obese Binge Eaters: A Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Double-Blind Study
K. Laederach-Hoffman et al.
Binge Eating and Substance Use among Male and Femal Adolescents
H.E. Ross and F. Ivis
Impulsivity, Dietary Control and the Urge to Binge in Bulimic Syndromes
H. Steiger, P.M. Lehoux, and L. Gauvin
Altered Fat Distribution After Recovery of Weight in Patients with Anorexia
T. Iketani et al.
Body Fat, Caloric Intake, and Plasma Leptin Levels in Women with Anorexia
S.A. Lear, R.P. Pauly, and C.L. Birmimgham
Changes in the Presenting Features of Females with Anorexia Nervosa
in Northeast Scotland, 1965-1991
J.M. Eagles et al.
Binge Eating Severity, Self-Concept, Dieting Self-Efficacy and Social
Support During Treatment of Binge Eating Disorder
G.K. Goodrick et al.
Measuring Binge Eating in Adolescents: Adolescent and Parent Versions
of the Questionnaire of Eating and Weight Patterns
W.G. Johnson et al.
Naturalistc Sleep Monitoring in Women Suffering from Bulimia Nervosa
Y. Latzer et al.
Eating Disorders and Psychiatric Disorders in the First Degree Relatives
of Obese Probands with Binge Eating Disorder and Obese Non-Binge Eating
Disorder Controls
Y.E. Lee et al.
Emotional Eating and Eating Psychopathology in Nonclinical Groups: A
Cross-Cultural Comparison of Women in Japan and the United Kingdom
G. Waller and M. Matoba
Brief Reports
Carnitine Levels in Patients with Skeletal Myopathy Due to Anorexia
Nervosa before and after Refeeding
J. Morton et al.
Academy for Eating Disorders
Executive Council and Board
Nineth International Conference on Eating Disorders