Periodo Perinatale

La vita prima di nascere
Archivio bibliografico

A cura di A. Della Vedova

Alcuni anni di lavoro di ricerca sullo sviluppo prenatale mi hanno consentito di raccogliere una discreta quantità di materiale bibliografico sull'argomento. Tenuto conto della particolarità dell'ambito dello sviluppo somatopsichico prenatale, posto alla confluenza di campi di studio molto diversi, e della difficoltà di reperimento di materiale in proposito, penso che possa essere utile a chi si accosta a questi temi trovare un elenco di testi e articoli da rivista che mi sono stati utili, e talvolta preziosi, per ricostruire una "immagine intera" di quello che è il bambino prima della nascita: come cresce e si sviluppa, l'esperienza che vive nel particolare ambiente in cui è immerso, le precoci capacità sensoriali, motorie e elaborative di cui è dotato.
Ho elencato distintamente i testi e gli articoli, questi ultimi sono stati suddivisi per argomento, cosa che mi sembrava adatta ad agevolare la ricerca di chi si accosta per la prima volta allo studio del bambino prima della nascita. Tale elenco non è sicuramente esaustivo ed è gradita la partecipazione dei lettori e degli studiosi nel segnalare materiale e lavori attinenti. Grazie per l'attenzione e buon lavoro.

Anna Della Vedova


Beller, F.K., Weir, R.F. Dordrecht (eds) (1994) The beginnings of Human Life. The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers

Ceci, S.J., Williams, W.M. (Eds) et-al. (1999). The nature--nurture debate: The essential readings. Essential readings in developmental psychology. Malden, MA, US: Blackwell Publishers

Cohen,D.B.(1999) Stranger in the nest: Do parents really shape their child's personality, intelligence, or character? New York, NY, USA: John Wiley and Sons, 312 pp.

Diamond, M. (Ed) (1998) Magic trees of the mind: How to nurture your child's intelligence, creativity, and healthy emotions from birth through adolescence Hopson,-Janet (Ed) New York, NY, USA: Plume/Penguin Books.

Eliot, L.(1999) What's going on in there?: How the brain and mind develop in the first five years of life. New York, NY, USA: Bantam Books. (1999).

Gilles, FJ., Leviton, A.& Dooling, EC. (eds.)(1983) The Developing Human Brain. Boston: John Wright (si segnala il cap. Growth and Epidemiological Neuropathology pp.117-183)

Gottlieb, G. (Ed.) (1976) Development of neural and behavioral specificity. New York: Academic Press

Hindle, D.; Smith, M.V., et al.(eds) (1999). Personality development: A psychoanalytic perspective New York, NY, US: Routledge, (si segnala il cap.”Intra-uterine life and the experience of birth” AU: Seglow, R.;Canham,H., pp.13-32)

Schwean, V.L., Saklofske, D.H. (Eds) et-al. (1999). Handbook of psychosocial characteristics of exceptional children. Plenum series on human exceptionality. New York, NY, USA: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers (si segnala il cap. Biological and genetic factors in human development. AU Howard, V.F., Williams, B.F., Port, P.pp. 69-94)

Lecanuet, J.P., Fifer, W.P., Krasnegor, N.A., Smotherman, W.P.(Eds.) (1995) Fetal Development Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum

Moore, K. (1988) The developing human- Clinically oriented embriology , 4th Edition, W.B. Saunders Company

Nathanielsz, P.W.(1995) Un tempo per nascere Bollati Boringhieri

Nijhuis, J. (ed.) (1992) Fetal behaviour - Developmental and perinatal aspects, Oxford University Press.

Papini, M., Pasquinelli, A. Gidoni, E.A. (eds.) (1990) Developement Handicap and Rehabilitation: Practice and Theory, Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Publishers, (si segnala il cap. “The Uncovering of Fetal Competence” Tajani, E., Ianniruberto, A., pp. 3-8)

Piontelli, A. (1992) From fetus to child, London: Routdlege (il libro è una miniera unica e inesauribile sul prenatale "dal vivo", per la novità dell'argomento si segnala il capitolo "Twins in utero: Temperament development and intertwin behaviour before and after birth." n.d.c.)

Prechtl, H.F.R. (ed.) (1984) Continuity of Neural Function from Prenatal to Postnatal Life London: Spastic International Medical Publications

Rauh, H., Steinhausen, H.C. (Eds) et-al. (1987). Psychobiology and early development. Advances in psychology No. 46. Amsterdam, Netherlands: North-Holland (si segnala il cap. Prenatal development of postnatal behavior. AU Prechtl, H.F.R. pp. 231-238).

Righetti, P.L., Sette, L. (2000) Non c'è due senza tre. Le emozioni dell'attesa dalla genitorialità alla prenatalità Torino, Bollati Boringhieri Editore

Salapatek, P. and Cohen, L.(1987). Handbook of Infant Perception. Vol. I. New York: Academic Press

Tomatis, A.(1993) Dalla comunicazione intrauterina al linguaggio umano Como: Ibis

Whitman, T.L.; Merluzzi, T.V. (Eds) et-al. (1999). Life-span perspectives on health and illness. Mahwah, NJ, USA: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc., Publishers (si segnala il cap. Environmental influences on prenatal development and health. Kolberg, K.J.-Sipes pp. 87-103)

Zulli, P., Ianniruberto, A., Catizone , F.A. (eds.) (1982) Motricità e vita psichica del feto Roma:CIC


a)Lo sviluppo somatopsichico prenatale

Bornstein, MH, Sigman MD.(1986) Continuity in mental development from infancy. Child Development ; 57:251-274.

Bottos, N., Tonin, C. (1983) Strategia di sviluppo neuromotorio dell’immaturo. Giornale di Neuropsichiatria dell’Età Evolutiva; 3-4, pp.561.

Carey-Smith, M.J. (1984). Before Birth: Effects of Prenatal Influences on Later Life. New Zealand Medical Journal January,11

Chamberlain, D.B. (1994) The sentient prenate: what every parent should know. Pre and Perinatal Psychology Journal 9(1), 9-34

Della Vedova, A., Imbasciati, A. (1998) Alle origini della mente: lo studio della vita psichica fetale Giornale di Neuropsichiatria dell’Età Evolutiva; 18, 374:155-168.

Hepper, P.G., Shahidullah, S. (1994) The beginnings of mind - evidence from the behaviour of the fetus Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology vol 12, pp. 143-154

Kisilevsky, B.S.(1998) Human fetal behavior: 100 years of study. Developmental-Review. 1998 Mar; Vol 18(1): 1-29

Liley, AW (1972) "The foetus as a personality" Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 6, 99-105.

MacLeod, A.M., Sparling, J.W.(1993) The development of fetal behaviors and their relationship to neonatal behavioral organization. Physical-and-Occupational-Therapy-in-Pediatrics. Vol 12(2-3): 205-225

Negri R.(1996) La vita prenatale e la strutturazione del pensiero in Psicoanalisi e Metodo, 1, 68, Borla

Negri, R., Guareschi-Cazzullo, A., Vergani, P., Mariani, S., Roncaglia N.(1990) Correlazione tra la vita prenatale e formazione della personalità. Studio preliminare attraverso l’osservazione di due gemelli. Quaderni di psicoterapia infantile; 2, 148-165. Borla.

Piontelli, A. (1987) Infant observation from before birth. International Journal of Psycho-Analysis;6:453-462

Righetti, P.L. (1996) Le emozioni e gli stati dell’Io Prenatale. Psicologia psicoterapia e Salute;2, n°2.

Righetti, P.L. (1996) The emotional experience of the fetus: a preliminary report Pre and Perinatal Psychology Journal 11, (1)

Smotherman, W.P.; Robinson, S.R. (1990) The prenatal origins of behavioral organization. Psychological-Science. Mar; Vol 1(2): 97-106

Smotherman, W.P., Robinson, S.R. (1995) “Tracing Developmental Trajectories Into the Prenatal Period” In Fetal Development Lecanuet, J.P., Fifer, W.P., Krasnegor, N.A., Smotherman, W.P.(eds.);Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, pp.15-32

Soulè, M. (1999) La vie du foetus. Son etude pour comprendre la psychopathologie perinatale et les premices de la psychosomatique. Psychiatrie-de-l'Enfant. Vol 42(1): 27-69

Valman HB, Pearson JF.(1980) What the fetus feels. British Medical Journal; January:233-234.

Verny, T.R. (1989) The scientific basis of pre- and peri-natal psichology. Pre and Perinatal Psychology Journal; 3(3), Spring.

b) Lo sviluppo del sistema nervoso

Cahill L, Haier RJ, Fallon J, Alkire MT, Tang C, Keator D, Wu J & Mcgaugh JL (1996) Amygdala activity at encoding correlated with long-term, free recall of emotional information. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences; 93, 8016-8021.

Chudler EH & Dong WK (1995) The role of the basal ganglia in nociception and pain. Pain; 60, 3-38

Craig AD, Bushnell MC e coll. (1994) A thalamic nucleus specific for pain and temperature sensation Nature; 372 (6508), 770-773.

Denenberg, V.H., Hoplight, B.J., Mobraaten, L.E. (1998) The uterine environment enhances cognitive competence. Neuroreport: An International Journal for the Rapid Communication of Research in Neuroscience. May; Vol 9(7): 1667-1671

Gilles et all.(1983) Growth and Epidemiological Neuropathology. In The Developing Human Brain. Gilles, FJ., Leviton, A.& Dooling, EC. (eds.). Boston: John Wright, pp.117-183

Graham FK. Leavitt LA & Strock BD (1978) Precocious cardiac orienting in a human anencephalic infant Science, 20th January, 199 (4326), 322-324.

Henderson-Smart DJ, Pettigrew AG, Campbell DJ. (1983) Clinical apnea and brain-stem neural function in preterm infants. New England Journal of Medicine; 308:353-357.

Humphrey T (1964) Some correlations between the appearance of human fetal reflexes and the development of the nervous system. Progress in Brain Research; 4, 93-135.

Joseph, R. (2000). Fetal Brain and Cognitive Development Developmental Review 20; 81-98

Kuljis, R.O. (1994) Development of human brain: the emergence of the neural substrate for pain perception and conscious experience. In The Beginnings of Human Life . Beller FK & Weir RF. Dordrecht (eds.). The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers,pp. 49-56.

Laroche JC(1981) The marginal layer in the neocortex of a 7 week-old human embryo. Anatomy and Embriology, 162, 301-312

Lorber, J. (1965) Hydranencephaly with normal development. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology; 7, 628-633.

Marin-Padilla M & Marin-Padilla MT (1982) "Origin, Prenatal Development and Structural organisation of layer I of the human cerebral (motor) cortex" Anatomy and Embryology 164, 161-206.

Nowakowski, R.S. Prenatal development of the brain. In Susser, E. S., Brown, A.S. (Eds) et-al. (1999) Prenatal exposures in schizophrenia. Progress in psychiatry. (pp. 61-85). Washington, DC, USA: American Psychiatric Press,

Okado, N.(1981) Onset of synapse formation in the human spinal cord Journal of Comparative Neurology 201, 211-219

Ottaviano, S., Ottaviano, P. (1996) Sviluppo prenatale del sistema nervoso, relazione madre-feto ed ipereccitabilità neurocomportamentale. Psichiatria dell'Infanzia e dell''Adolescenza. May-Aug; Vol 63(3-4): 341-355

Prechtl, H.F.R. (1988). Developmental neurology of the fetus. Clinical Obstetrics & Gynecology ; 2:21-36.

Reynolds SRM (1962) Nature of fetal adaptation to the uterine environment: a problem of sensory deprivation. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology; 83, 800-808.

Roffwarg, H.A, Muzio, J.N., Dement, W.C. (1966) Ontogenetic Development of the Human Sleep-Dream Cycle. Science 152: 604-619.

Shewmon DA, Capron AM, Peacock WJ & Schulman BL (1989) The use of anencephalic infants as organ sources: a critique Journal of the American Medical Association; 261, 1773-1781.

Thompson RF & Spencer WA (1966) Habituation: a model phenomenon for the study of neuronal substrates of behavior. Psychological Review; 73, 16-43.

Van Assche FA (1990) Anencephalics as organ donors American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology; 163, 599-600.

c)Lo sviluppo degli apparati sensoriali e percezione

Apparato tattile

Anzieu, D. (1985) Le Moi peu. Paris, Dunod

de Roiste, A., Bushnell, L., Burns, J. (1995) Behavioral reactions of preterm and low-birthweigth infants to program of tactile stimulation. Pre and Perinatal Psychology Journal, 9(4), 295-315

Montagu, A. (1978) Touching: The Human Significance of The Skin. New York: Harper & Row.

Apparato olfattivo e gustativo

Galef, B.G., Sherry, D.F. (1973) "Mother's milk: a medium for transmission of cues reflecting the flavour of the mother's diet" Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology 83, 374-378.

Hepper, P.G. (1995) Human Fetal “olfactory” Learning. International Journal of Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology & Medicine 7, 147-151.

Schaal, B., Orgeur, P., Rognon, C. (1995) Odor Sensing in the Human Fetus: Anatomical, Functional, and Chemeo-ecological Bases. In Fetal Development: A Psychobiological Perspective. Lecanuet, J-P, Fifer, Krasnegor, N.A., Smotherman, W. P. (Eds.),pp.205-237. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Apparato uditivo

Abrams, R.M.; Griffiths, S.K.; Huang, X.; Sain, J.; Langford, G.; Gerhardt, K.J. (1998) Fetal music perception: The role of sound transmission. Music Perception. Spr; Vol 15(3): 307-317

Birnholz JC, Benacerraf BR. (1983). The development of human fetal hearing. Science 22:516-518

De Casper AJ, Spence MJ.(1986) Prenatal maternal speech influences newborns perception of speech sound. Infant Behavior and Development; 9:133-150.

Feijoo J.(1981) Le fetus Pierre et le loup...ou un approche originale de l'audition prenatale humaine. In: Herbinet E, Busnel MC. (eds.) L'aube de sens. Paris: Stock,

Gagnon R et al. (1987). Human fetal responses to vibratory acoustic stimulation from twenty-six weeks to term. American Journal of Obstetric and Gynecology 157:1375-1381

Groome,L.J.; Mooney, D.M.; Holland, S.B.; Smith, L.A.; Atterbury, J.L.; Dykman, R.A. (1999) Behavioral state affects heart rate response to low-intensity sound in human fetuses. Early-Human-Development. Feb; Vol 54(1): 39-54

Kilisevski BS, Muir DW. (1991) Human fetal and subsequent newborn responses to sound and vibration. Infant Behavior and Development; 14:1-26.

Kuhlman KA et al.(1988) Ultrasonic imaging of normal fetal response to external vibratory acoustic stimulation. American Journal of Obstetric and Gynecology; 158:47-51.

Leader LR, Baillie P, Martin B, Molteno C & Wynchank S (1984) Fetal responses to vibrotactile stimulation: a possible predictor of fetal and neonatal outcome. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology; 24, 251-256

Lecanuet JP, Granier-Defere C & Busnel MC (1989) "Differential fetal auditory reactiveness as a function of stimulus characteristics and state" Seminars in Perinatology 13, 421-429.

Maiello, S.(1993) L'oggetto sonoro: Un'ipotesi sulle radici prenatali della memoria uditiva. Richard-e-Piggle. Jan-Jun; Vol 1(1): 31-47

Maiello, S. (1999) The sound object: A hypothesis about prenatal auditory experiences and memory traces /Das Klangobject. Ueber den praenatalen Ursprung auditiver Gedaechtnisspuren. Psyche: Zeitschrift fuer Psychoanalyse und ihre Anwendungen. Feb; Vol 53(2): 137-157

McFadden, D. (1998) Sex differences in the auditory system. Developmental Neuropsychology. Vol 14(2-3): 261-298

Pujol, R., Lavigne-Rebillard, M., Uziel, A. (1990) Physiological correlates of development of human cochlea. Seminars in Perinatology August; 14:275-280

Shahidullah, S. & Hepper, PG. (1994) Frequency Discrimination By The Fetus. Early Human Development Jan.; 36(1): 13-26.

WP & Moon C (1989) Psychobiology of newborn auditory preferences Seminars in Perinatology 13, 430-433.

Zimmer EZ, Fifer WP, Kim Y et al. (1993). Response of the premature fetus to stimulation by speech sounds. Early Human Development 33:207-215

Apparato visivo

Birnholz, J., Stephens, J. C. and Faria, M. (1978). Fetal Movement Patterns: A Possible Means of Defining Neurologic Developmental Milestones in Utero. American J. Roentg 130: 537-540.
Birnholz, Jason C. (1981). The Development of Human Fetal Eye Movement Patterns. Science 213: 679-681.
Busnel, M.C., Granier-Deberre, C. and Lecanuet, J. P.(1992). Fetal Audition. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 662:118-134.

Peleg D & Goldman JA (1980) Fetal heart rate acceleration in response to light stimulation as a clinical measure of fetal well-being: a preliminary report Journal of Perinatal Medicine; 8, 38-41.

Apparato nocicettivo

Anand KJS & Hickey PR (1987) Pain and its effects in the human neonate and fetus - special article. The New England Journal of Medicine; 317, 1321-1329.

Anand KJS, Sippell WG & Aynsley-Green A. (1987) Randomised trial of fentanyl anaesthesia in preterm babies undergoing surgery: effects of the stress response. Lancet 1(8524), 62-66.

Berry FA & Gregory GA (1987) Do premature infants require anaesthesia for surgery? Anesthiology; 67, 291-293.

Derbyshire SWG (1996) There is no such thing as fetal pain. Living Marxism 93, September, pp.8-10.

Derbyshire, S.W.G., Furedi, A. (1996) Fetal pain' is a misnomer. British Medical Journal; 313, 795

Giannakoulopoulos X, Sepulveda W, Kourtis P, Glover V & Fisk NM (1994) Fetal plasma cortisol and beta-endorphin response to intrauterine needling. The Lancet; 344, 77-81

Giannakoulopulos, X., Sepulveda, W., Kourtis P, Glover,V. & Fisk, N.M.(1994) Fetal plasma cortisol and beta-endorphin response to intrauterine needling The Lancet; 344,77-81

Melzack, R., Wall, P.D. (1995) Pain mechanisms: a new theory. Science 150, 971-979

Mense, S. (1983) Basic neurobiologic mechanisms of pain and analgesia. American Journal of Medicine; 75, 4-14.

Spear RM (1992) Anaesthesia for premature and term infants: perioperative implications. The Journal of Pediatrics; 120, 165-175.

Teixeira J, Fogliani R, Giannakoulopoulos X, Glover V, Fisk N (1996) Fetal haemodynamic stress response to invasive procedures, Lancet 347, 624.

d) Lo sviluppo dell’attività motoria

Birnholz, J. C. (1981) The development of Human Fetal Eye Movement Patterns. Science; 213: 679-681.

de Vries, J.I.P., Visser, G.H.A., Prechtl, H.F.R. (1982) The emergence of fetal behaviour, 1: qualitative aspects. Early Human Development, 7:301-22

_ (1984) Fetal Motility in the First Half of Pregnancy in Prechtl, H.F.R. (ed.) Continuity of Neural Function from Prenatal to Postnatal Life , London: Spastic International Medical Publications
- (1985). The Emergence of Fetal Behavior. II. Quantitative Aspects. Early Human Development 12: 99-120.

_ (1988) The Emergence of Fetal Behaviour, 3. Individual Differences and Consistencies Early Human Development,16:85-103

de Vries, J.I.P., Visser, G.H.A., Mulder, E.G.H., Prechtl, H.F.R. (1987) Diurnal and other variation in fetal movements and heart rate patterns at 20-22 weeks Early Human Development 15:333-48

Eaton, W.O., Saudino, K.J. (1992) Prenatal activity level as a temperament dimension? Individual differences and developmental functions in fetal movement. Infant-Behavior-and-Development. Jan-Mar; Vol 15(1): 57-70

Hepper, P.G., Shannon, E.A., Dornan, J.C. (1997) Sex Differences. In Fetal Mouth Movements. The Lancet, Vol 350, December 20/27

Ianniruberto, A.., Tajani, E. (1981) Ultrasonographic study of fetal movements Seminars in Perinatology, 5:175-81

_ (1982) I movimenti fetali nelle gravidanze fisiologiche. In Zulli, P., Ianniruberto, A., Catizone , F.A. (eds.) Motricità e vita psichica del feto, Roma:CIC

Madison, L.S.; Madison, J.K.; Adubato, S.A.(1986) Infant behavior and development in relation to fetal movement and habituation. Child-Development. Dec; Vol 57(6): 1475-1482

Sparling, J.W., Wilhelm, I.J., MacLeod, A.M., Green, S.D., et-al (1990) Developing a taxonomy of fetal movement: The first step in a longitudinal collaborative study. Physical-and-Occupational-Therapy-in-Pediatrics. 1990; Vol 10(1): 43-46

Tajani, E. and Ianniruberto, A. (1990). The Uncovering of Fetal Competence. In: Development Handicap and Rehabilitation: Practice and Theory, M. Papini, A. Pasquinelli and E. A. Gidoni (Eds.), pp. 3-8. Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Publishers

Timor-Tritsch, I. et al. (1976) Classication of human fetal movement. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology; 6:70-77.

c) L’apprendimento

De Casper, A. J. & Fifer, W. P.(1980) Of human bonding: New borns prefer their mother's voices. Science; 208: 1174

De Casper, A.J.& Spence, M.J. 81986) Prenatal maternal speech influences newborns perception of speech sound. Infant Behavior and Development 9: 133-150

Groves PM, Thompson RF. (1970) Habituation: a dual-process theory. Psychological Rewiew; 77(5):419-450.

Hepper PG, Shahidullah S.(1992) Habituation in normal and down's syndrome fetuses. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology ; 44b (3/4):305/317.

Hepper, P.G. (1988) Foetal "soap "addiction. Lancet 1347-1348

Hepper, P.G. (1995) Human Fetal “olfactory” Learning. International Journal of Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology & Medicine, 7, 147-151.

Hepper, P.G.(1989) Foetal learning: implications for Psychiatry? British Journal of Psychiatry;155: 289-293

Kolata, G.(1984) Studying learning in the womb. Science, July 20; 225:302-303

Leader LR, Baillie P, Martin B et al.(1982) Fetal habituation in high risk pregnancies. British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology; 89:441-446.

Madison, L.S.,Adubato,S.A., Madison,J.K. et al. (1986) Fetal response decrement: True habituation? Developmental and Behavioural Pediatrics

Salk, L. (1962) Mother's heartbeat as an imprinting stimulus. Transactions of the New York Academy of Science, 24: 761-762

Sokolof YN.(1963) Perception and the conditioned reflex (Waydenfeld SW. trans.). New York: Pergamom Press. (Original work published 1958).

Spelt, D.K. (1948) The conditioning the human fetus in utero. Journal of Experimental Psichology 1948;38:338-346

Thompson FT, Spencer WA.(1966) Habituation: a model phenomenon for the study of neuronal substrates behaviour Psychological Rewiew; 73:16-43.

e)Studi su neonati

Anand KJS & Hickey PR (1992) Halothane-morphine compared with high-dose sufentanil for anesthesia and postoperative analgesia in neonatal cardiac surgery. New England Journal of Medicine; 326, 1-9.

Atkinson, J. and Braddick, O. (1982). Sensory and Perceptual Capacities of the Neonate. In Psychobiology of the Human Newborn. Paul Stratton (Ed.), pp. 191-220. London: John Wiley.

Clifton RK, Nelson MN. (1976) Developmental study of habituation in infants: the importance of paradigm, response systems, and state. In: Tighe TJ, Leaton R.N. (eds.) Habituation: perspectives from child development, animal behaviour, and neurophysiology. Hillisdale, Nj: Erlbaum

De Casper, A.J. & Prescott, P.A. (1984) Human newborn's perception of male voices: preference, discrimination and reinforcing value. Developmental Psychobiology 17: 481-491

Graham FK, Anthony BJ, Zeigler BL. (1983) The orienting response and development processes. In: Orienting and habituation: perspectives in human research. (ed.) Siddle, Wiley, Sussex, U.K., 371-430

Groome, L.J.; Swiber, M.J.; Holland, S.B.; Bentz, L.S.; Atterbury, J.L.; Trimm, R.F. (1999) Spontaneous motor activity in the perinatal infant before and after birth: Stability in individual differences. Developmental-Psychobiology.Jul; Vol 35(1): 15-24

Jeffrey WE, Cohen LB.(1971) Habituation in the human infant. In: Reese HW. (ed). Advances in child development and behavior. New York: Academic Press; 6:63-77.

Mastropieri, D., Turkewitz, G. (1999) Prenatal experience and neonatal responsiveness to vocal expressions of emotion. Developmental-Psychobiology. Nov; Vol 35(3): 204-214

Salk, L. (1960) The effects of the normal heartbeat sound on the behaviour of the new-born infant. Implication for Mental Health 12: 168-175

Slater, A., Mattock, A., Brown, E., and Bremner, J. G. (1991). Form Perception at Birth: Cohen and Younger (1984) Revisited. J. of Experimental Child Psychology 51(3): 395- 406.

Torres F, Anderson C. (1985) The normal EEG of the human newborn. Journal of Clinical Neurophisiology; 2:89-103.

Uziel T, Marot M, Germain M. (1980) Le potentiels évoqués du nerf auditif et du tronc cerebral chez le nouveau-né. Revue de Larygologie; 101:55-71.

f) Studi sulla relazione gestante-feto e madre-bambino

Bertini M, Antonioli M, Gambi D. Intrauterin mechanism of synchronization: in search of the first dialogue. Totus Homo 1978; 10(8):73-91.

Ferreira, A.J.(1965). Emotional factors in prenatal environment. J Nerv Ment Dis 141:108-9

Heidrich, S.M.. Cranley, M.S. (1989) Effect of fetal movement, ultrasound scans, and amniocentesis on maternal-fetal attachment Nursing Research. 1989 Mar-Apr; Vol 38(2): 81-84

Helper MM, Cohen RL, Beitenman ET, Eaton, L.F., (1968). Life events and acceptance of pregnancy J Psychosom Res. 12: 183-8

James, D.C. (1998) Prenatal fetal attachment, prenatal maternal confidence, postbirth maternal confidence, and depressive symptoms: A correlational study of adolescent mothers. Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: The Sciences and Engineering. Feb; Vol 58(8-B): 4140

John C. Sonne, M.D.(1995) The relevance of the dread of being aborted to models of therapy and models of the mind, part II: mentation and communication in the unborn. Pre and Perinatal Psychology Journal, 9(4), Summer

MacLeod,A.M., Sparling,J.W. (1993) The development of fetal behaviors and their relationship to neonatal behavioral organization. Physical-and-Occupational-Therapy-in-Pediatrics. 1993; Vol 12(2-3): 205-225

Peterson G. (1994) Chains of grief: the impact of perinatal loss on subsequent pregnancy. Pre and Perinatal Psichology Journal, Winter; 9(2).

Reading, A.E., Cox, D.N., Sledmere, C.M., Campbell, S. (1988) Psychological changes over the course of pregnancy: A study of attitudes toward the fetus/neonate Health-Psychology. 1984; Vol 3(3): 211-221

Sontag, L.W. (1944) War and the fetal-maternal relationship. Marriage and Family Living, 6: 3-5

Stott, D.H. (1973) Follow up study from birth of the effects of prenatal stresses. Dev Med Child Neurol 15

Stott, D.H. (1977) Children in the womb; the effects of stress. New Society May 19: 329-31

Turner, EK. (1956). The syndrome in the infant resulting from maternal emotional tension during pregnancy. Med J Aust , 1: 221-2

g) Studi neuroembriologici e su animali

Armitage SE, Baldwin BA, Vince MA. (1980) The fetal sound environnement of sheep. Science; 208:1173-1174.

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