Rapaport-Klein Study Group
Annual Meeting Program - June
13-15, 2003 - 40th Anniversary
FRIDAY, JUNE 13, 2003
8:00 p.m.: Phil Shaver,
"Psychodynamics of Adult Attachment: A Research Perspective"
[see (a) full-text
paper and (b) reply to commentaries]
9:00 to 10:00 a.m.: Informal go-round: Sharing our current work (All
members invited)
10:00 a.m. to 12.30 p.m.: Robert
Holt, Fred Schwartz, Peter Wolff, Phil Holzman, Herb Schlesinger, and
Roy Schafer, "40th Anniversary of the Rapaport-Klein Study
Group: Reflections on David Rapaport" [see
the video, and the
paper by Robert Holt]

12.30 to 2:00 p.m.: Lunch
2:00 to 3:30 p.m.: Ken Levy,
"Attachment and Psychotherapy in Borderline Personality Disorders"
[tentative title]
3:30 to 5:00 p.m.: John
Kerr, "On the Precursors to the Idea of Transference"
6:00 to 8:00 p.m.: Cocktails at the Lippmanns
SUNDAY, JUNE 15, 2003
9:00 to 10:30 a.m.: Business Meeting
- 10:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.: Neil
Altman & Jody Messler Davies
(Editors, Psychoanalytic
Dialogues), Joseph Reppen
(Editor, Psychoanalytic Psychology), Henry
F. Smith (Editor,
Psychoanalytic Quarterly), and Donnel B. Stern
(Editor, Contemporary
Psychoanalysis), "Round Table: Discussion by Editors of Major Psychoanalytic Journals on their Perspectives of Current and Future Trends in Psychoanalysis"
[see full-text papers by Neil
Altman & Jody Messler Davies, by Joseph Reppen, by Henry
F. Smith, and by Donnel B. Stern]
- Questions for
Panelists: We know that our journals are thriving
and that there are many submissions each editor receives. (Here we
are not addressing the quality of the submissions.) We are
interested from your position as chief readers to tell us
something about what currently dominates psychoanalytic thinking.
We are formulating questions with the idea of shaping your
thinking and the subsequent discussion. We may not have time to
hear your response to all these questions and our audience are
likely to have questions and comments of their own. Consider these
questions as working issues for your consideration:
- - 1. What questions are currently being raised
that will have longevity -- that is, as far as you can judge will
the issues being raised be considered significant 10 years from
- - 2. Have submissions to your journal influenced
your own optimism/pessimism about the state and fate of the
psychoanalytic endeavor?
- - 3. What do you think is the worst and best in
our field that has captured your attention by virtue of the
submissions you have received?
- - 4. How much of empirical research has had an
impact on theoretical and clinical ideas in the large
psychoanalytic community?
- - 5. How many acceptances are there for
Wallerstein's idea of common ground? What ideas have achieved
concurrence? Where do you see the greatest differences?
- - 6. How interested are psychoanalysts in applied
- - 7. How do you think psychoanalysis is related
to trends in our culture? (e.g., materialism, technology, class
divisions, political issues and divisions)
- - 8. Is there an effect on the
"feminization" of psychoanalysis? Is there an impact on
submissions in the shift from a more monolithic power position of
MD's to the increase of PhD's and MSW's?
Editor: Paolo Migone. For
suggestions or corrections, please e-mail to: migone@unipr.it