Rapaport-Klein Study Group

Minutes of Business Meetings since 2001

[Please keep this material confidential. If you want to print the Minutes of one Business Meeting, do not print this file because in contains the Minutes of several years, but copy and paste into a Word file the Minutes you want to print]

June 10, 2001

Dues. Lippmann reported that the treasury balance was under $5,000, shortly to go down. Last year's meeting cost $4,000, but this year's will be less expensive since we did not have to pay our excellent speaker's travel expenses or lodging, and the guests at the Friday night dinner paid for themselves. So far, 35 people have paid dues this year, and 35 have not. We instructed Paul to dun the deadbeats. We decided to raise dues, starting 2002, to $75. Guests: $30.

Guests. Last year, a limit of 10 guests was set for this year, and a moratorium on guests was voted. After discussion, since no one mentioned a good reason for the latter, we voided it. Ten seemed to most of us like a reasonable number of guests per year, but not to be too rigidly enforced.

New members. A similar moratorium on new members, voted in last year, was voted out. The following were discussed and voted into membership, to take effect at once: Stuart Twemlow, Drew Westen, Ken Levy, Phyllis Ackman, Ann Erreich.

Honorary Members. Two long-time members (Robert Wallerstein and Marshall Edelson), who recently resigned, were voted Honorary Members (dues free). The secretary is to let them know with a nice note.

Internet matters. We decided that everyone should get a copy of the minutes of the just-preceding meeting, and an up-to-date list of members, when the call for papers goes out in the spring. Several people suggested that as much of this communication as possible be done by e-mail; those present added their names and e-mail addresses to a circulated list (appended). Frank Lachmann suggested posting all papers to be presented on an Internet site. Others urged sending them as e-mail attachments. When some objected that they had difficulty with reading attachments, Sue Coates suggested buying (for ca. $75) a program called Conversion Plus, which makes it foolproof. Paolo Migone volunteered to set up and run a web site for us.

"Quo vadis?" Bert Freedman and Fred Schwartz reviewed the history of the group. Apparently the only two persons on hand who had been present at the creation were Fred and Bob. The first meeting was held at Riggs in June 1962, called and chaired by George Klein, Phil Holzman, and Bob Holt. Fred, then at Riggs, was made first secretary. No clear record seems to exist of who chaired and arranged programs for the next period of years until Phil and Peter Wolff took over [when?]; they served for several years, handing reins to Morris and Bert, who have done it for the past 12 years. Originally, programs contained only reports of empirical research, often in progress. Members were all colleagues and students of DR's. Thus, everyone had some knowledge of psychoanalysis if not formal training, but the work presented wasn't necessarily directly relevant to it. Fred reported that when he came back a few years ago after a 20-yr. absence, the group seemed to have changed a lot. Many of the first generation were no longer present; their students and colleagues made up a second generation, a fair number of whom were clinical analysts who were not doing research. There seemed to be some agreement that we should look for a commitment to research and/or scholarship among new members.

As to the orientation of programs, Phil had sent a message favoring always including biological scientists, and while there was enthusiasm for trying to get such relevant people as Damasio as a Friday night speaker, and a general favoring of diversity (including non-Freudian schools of psychoanalysis), we were reluctant to tie the hands of the new leaders and program planners.

Bob Holt suggested that we try a program idea that works well in another similar group: beginning with an informal round robin, in which everyone can say briefly what he or she has been working on. After a good deal of discussion of the dangers and possible drawbacks, we agreed to try it out next year: There will be no formal Friday night dinner, but instead we will ask Riggs to cater a simple cafeteria meal. We'll eat as we go round; whoever chairs will enforce a 3-minute limit on the most talkative, and since some will say little it should be feasible to finish by 8, in time for the speaker.

New leadership. There were several expressions of the unanimously felt gratitude to the outgoing chairs and of praise for the fine job they have done. Morris and Bert had consulted with Peter and Phil, and agreed on a slate: Doris Silverman and Paul Lippmann. Apparently in preliminary conversations they did not understand Doris's reluctance, because of other commitments, but she finally yielded to pressure. Paul will continue to serve as treasurer, since he says that a Riggs secretary, Caroline, does most of the work and is willing to continue. Paul expressed the group's gratitude to her for the good work she has done this year.

Robert R. Holt

June 16, 2002

Minutes of the Previous Business Meeting: Minutes of the previous business meeting (June 10, 2001), were corrected and approved. John Auerbach's name was added to the list of new members admitted at the last meeting.

Officers: Rebecca Curtis agreed to be the group's recording secretary. Craig Piers agreed to be treasurer.

Internet/Web Site: Paolo Migone has been serving as web master. As a result of his efforts, papers by Arnold Modell, Jim Fosshage, and Mark Blechner were available on line prior to this year's meeting, as were minutes of last year's meeting. Only 80% of the members' e-mail addresses are on the group's listserv. The other 20% either do not use the computer or did not send in e-mail addresses. Paolo is also not sure that all of the e-mail addresses are correct because only two thirds of the group are reliable e-mail readers. The remainder will have to be contacted by snail-mail. The question was raised whether to pay expenses to Psychomedia, the Italian web portal that hosts the web site. Paolo reported that the costs are low, approximately $100 to $200 per year. It was moved and approved to send $100 per year to Psychomedia. Bob Holt thanked Jim Fosshage and Mark Blechner for putting their papers on the web site. Steve Ellman has reportedly agreed to have his paper posted as well. Paolo also noted that the listserv does not permit people to send attachments to the group. He recommended that members get in touch with him if they have materials they want circulated to the listserv.

Dues and Finances: Paul Lippmann announced that people are not paying their dues and not paying for their guests. Still the treasury has $7000, and the cost of the meeting is about $3000. Doris Silverman thanked Caroline Borezowski for coordinating events, and thanks were also expressed to Caroline for keeping costs down. There was discussion of whether to have consequences for nonpayment of dues--e.g., revocation of membership, publishing names of nonpayers--but no motion was made.

Members' Updates: General reaction to the inclusion of members' updates in the program was positive, but discussion focused on whether and how to shorten it. Paul Lippmann suggested shortening it from 90 minutes to an hour. Herb Schlesinger suggested that people bring reprints. Morris Eagle suggested that people report on one topic, rather than the whole c.v. Rebecca Curtis suggested adding research interests to the members' list on the web site, and in response, Paolo Migone suggested just having people link to their personal web sites. Frank Lachmann repeated sentiments expressed by others that the members' update be limited to one hour and that members bring reprints.

Riggs Library: Craig Piers reported that Austen Riggs librarian Rachel Vigneron had put on display works written by this year's presenters. He announced that the library is open so that members can look at the collection of David Rapaport.

New Members: Three individuals were nominated for membership in the group. These were Rich O'Neill, by Joe Masling; Mark Blechner, by Paul Lippmann; and Arnold Wilson, by Marvin Hurvich. Subsequent discussion focused not on the prospective members but on the membership nominating process. Bob Holt asked that the details of the nominating process be recorded in the minutes for future reference. Morris Eagle stated that the function of the group is for members to discuss their work and that therefore prospective members should either present their own work for be discussants for the work of others. This statement led to questions about the nature of the program. Traditionally, the Friday night speaker has been from outside, and the Saturday and Sunday presentations have been from inside the group. Bob Holt stated that we should choose people who have something to say and invite them to be speakers or discussants. Questions were raised about whether such individuals would be told that they were also being considered for group membership. Darlene Ehrenberg proposed that the group have a membership committee, and Sid Blatt voiced a similar opinion. Morris Eagle expressed strong opposition to this idea. Both he and Doris Silverman expressed the view that group has always been informal in its discussion and selection of particular individuals and that the idea of a membership committee suggests the beginning of a hierarchical arrangement that thwarts the spirit of the group. Marvin Hurvich moved for the group to have a membership committee. His motion was tabled to next year, as were nominations for new members as well.

Respectfully submitted, John Auerbach

June 15, 2003

Present: Robert Holt, Ken Frank, Jim Fosshage, Frank Lachmann, Larry Friedman, Anne Erreich, John Muller, Joel Weinberger, Morris Eagle, Carrie Schaffer, Phyllis Ackman, Kenneth Levy, John Auerbach, Doris Silverman, Paul Lippmann, Fred Schwartz, Philip Holzman, Sophie Freud, Irwin Hoffman, Albert Rothenberg, Paolo Migone, Donald Spence, Mauricio Cortina, Anni Bergman, David Olds, Susan Coates, John Kerr, Bernard Ehrenberg, Darlene Ehrenberg, Jesse Geller, Norbert Freedman, Marvin Hurvich, Daniel Schwartz, Herb Schlesinger, Ann Appelbaum, Rebecca Curtis, Craig Piers [and maybe some others who did not sign the attendance sheet]

1. Website and officers. Dr. Lippmann and the group congratulated Dr. Migone on the website. Psychomedia must still be paid for the year. May papers have been posted on the web site. Twenty percent of the membership still doesn't have e-mail. Dr. Curtis is serving as recording secretary and Dr. Piers as treasurer.

2. Dues. We have 80 members, 77 paying, 3 honorary. Only 55 % have paid this year. Thirty-six members said they were coming - more seem to be here. With the expenses of the guest speaker, the balance will be around 0. A follow-up letter will be sent to those who haven't paid. A guest speaker has already been invited for next year.

3. Post-doctoral fellowship. Dr. Piers asked members to announce the four-year post doctoral fellowship at Riggs.

4. Date of next meeting. Following up on letters from Dr. Ruffins and Dr. Wachtel, the date of future meetings was discussed. The current weekend overlaps with Father's Day. The third weekend in July overlaps, however, with the meetings of the American Psychoanalytic Association (APSaA) and the Society for Psychotherapy Research (SPR). The first weekend overlaps with many graduations. It was decided to leave the date as it is.

5. New members. Dr. Lippmann recommended a moratorium on new members, as the group has gotten very large - the room is filled. A moratorium was established before, but some people had been considered already for membership but not voted on. A moratorium on new members was agreed upon with little further discussion.

6. Go-around. Most members wished to continue the go-around. Notices in earlier years had been sent out to members, asking if they wished to present. It was decided that people should tell Drs. Lippmann and Silverman if they wished to present.

7. Program. Dr. Eagle stated that the group was originally a study group where people presented a work in progress. Dr. Holzman also mentioned that people originally talked about what they themselves were doing. Dr. Auerbach spoke in favor of having new members as this is the only forum for psychoanalytic research. Dr. Eagle stated that there were plenty of psychoanalytic discussion groups - that this group was for intellectual discussion including topics not directly psychoanalytic. We don't know beforehand what will be important intellectually. Dr. Holt misses the opportunity for long, extended discussions but regrets being seen as a member of an elite group. He thinks that we can't have everything. The possibility of discussants was raised but rejected. Dr. Spence wishes to push further for a pre-distributed paper and to begin with a discussion. Dr. Schlesinger suggested that interest groups decide among themselves a topic for presentation. Dr. Frank likes the idea of a theme with a roundtable discussion. Dr. Holzman mentioned a time when this had been done with biographers and the problems they encountered writing biographies. Dr. Erreich suggested presenting questions authors have at the end of writing even published papers. Dr. Olds suggested discussion groups. Dr. Schaffer said there could be small discussion group after a speaker. Dr. Cortina suggested various speakers. Dr. D. Ehrenberg liked the historical review of Rapaport at this meeting. Dr. Lippmann suggested a group from Riggs talk about what is going on here at Riggs. Dr. Frank wanted to hear more about Merton Gill. Several people would like to hear more about George Klein. Dr. Schlesinger suggested taking particular paradigms in psychoanalysis - energy, relationship, the self - and seeing where they lead and what they leave out. Dr. Coates mentioned that Dan Schecter at Columbia has received a grant on the intergenerational transfer of trauma. Dr. Cicchetti, Dr. James Gilligan, Dr. Beebe, and Dr. Altman were mentioned as people who could contribute to the topics of trauma and the transmission of aggression.

8. Thanks to Caroline Borezoski for taking care of us so well.

9. Appreciation was expressed to the organizers, Dr. Lippmann & Dr. Silverman

Respectfully submitted, Rebecca Curtis

June 13, 2004

Presiding: Paul Lippmann and Doris Silverman

Acting Secretary: Ken Frank

Those Present: Phyllis Ackman, Susan Coates, Mauricio Cortina, Morris Eagle, Darlene Ehrenberg, Jim Fosshage, Ken Frank, Bert Freedman, Larry Friedman, M. Gerard Fromm, Jesse Geller, Irwin Hoffman, Bob Holt, Marvin Hurvich, Frank Lachmann, Paul Lippmann, Joe Masling, Paolo Migone, David Olds, Craig Piers, Doris Silverman.

Old Business:

Treasurer's Report. Craig Piers, Treasurer, reported on the financial condition of the organization. The treasury is in satisfactory condition, with a bank balance of approximately $5,000. Twenty-nine members have paid their dues for this year. Craig noted that it is important that a second mailing go out as a reminder to pay dues.

Resignations. The following former members have tendered their resignations: Anne Appelbaum, Frank Sulloway, Sophie Freud, and Rita Eagle. There is some question about the possible resignation of Herb Shlessinger. Ken Frank suggested the need to explore the basis for several senior members' seeming disillusionment with the group.

Discussion of The Group's Goals (Resignations and Moratorium on New Members). Craig Piers introduced the topic of the group's goals and purpose, suggesting we discuss it in depth. Discussion quickly moved into the several resignations and their meaning, the moratorium on new members, and specific membership requirements. Some felt that fewer members facilitated in-depth discussions. Others felt that a large, diverse group enhanced discussion. Jim Fosshage stressed the value of bringing in new members and ideas. It was noted that recent, invited presenters Drew Westen and Joel Weinberger automatically became non-dues paying members. It was also noted that special status membership is offered to Austen Riggs staff members who wish to become involved.

Discussion ensued about criteria for admission. Bert Freedman proposed that for the sake of continuity, we have people attend for two-three years and see if they add to the discussion and fit in. Ken Frank reported being told candidly by one outstanding membership candidate from last year that he was frustrated with being put off for three years and was tempted to withdraw his interest in membership. Mauricio Cortina thought it would be appropriate to add new members now who had made special contributions and modify the moratorium. Joe Masling spearheaded a discussion about the importance of including data-based presentations rather than unsupported scientific speculation. He noted that no questions were raised about the absence of such data in this meeting's presentations. Craig Piers' and Susan Coates' current presentations were cited as positive examples. This observation led to a broader discussion of the purpose of the group and the nature of data. Irwin Hoffman argued that we should remain open to many kinds of data, and that case histories constitute very meaningful data. This point was enlarged by Mauricio Cortina who cautioned about the danger of a narrow view and that citations of Freud are, in their own way, as valuable as data as those from programmatic research. Larry Friedman agreed, and cited Rosemarie Sand's work as an example of data that blends the history of ideas with data that is empirical, historical, conceptual, and philosophical. Paulo Migone called attention to the value of an integration of the conceptual with the empirical. Jim Fosshage commented that the strength of this group lies in its diversity and having members who hold views opposing those expressed. Bob Holt noted that many members have "graduated" from roles as data collectors and in their maturity prefer to deal critically with conceptual and methodological issues. A vote was held and a decision, by 10 votes to 8, that the group would maintain the moratorium on new members for another year.

New Business:

Jim Fosshage proposed two procedures to facilitate the cohesiveness of our changing membership community--the use of name tags, and the provision of a roster of present attendees. This would facilitate socializing, especially for guests and newer members. There was consensus not to institute name tags, but to attempt to have a roster of attendees at next year's meeting. Bob Holt reminded the group that the number of guests is to be limited to one per person. Doris Silverman acknowledged that she tries, facing significant pressure, to hold the total number down to 10.

In closing, the group's appreciation was expressed to Melissa Roy for doing a fine job as our new secretary, to Fran Lippmann for her gracious hospitality, to Paolo Migone for his efforts with our web site and in serving as translator for Professor Galli, and to Craig Piers for his excellent efforts as treasurer.

Next year, the Rapaport-Klein Study Group meetings fall on June 10, 11, 12, 2004 (as usual, the second full weekend in June). We will have the Saturday morning go-around (9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.) that was skipped this year to honor the memories of Philip Holzman and Margaret Brenman-Gibson.

Respectfully submitted, Ken Frank

June 12, 2005

A note from Rebecca Curtis: I'm copying a set of edited minutes. If anyone would like the names that I have omitted, please let me know. It was decided not to post the detailed minutes on the web site.

Present: J. Muller, R. Curtis, C. Piers, F. Lachmann, J. Masling, M. Cortina, D. Silverman, P. Ackman, D. Wolitzky, A. Erreich, A. Rothenberg, D. Ehrenberg, D. Olds, S. Coates, M. Hurvich, R. Lasky, B. Holt, W. Bucci, J. Kerr, E. Prelinger, P. Lippmann.

1. The minutes from last year were approved.

2. Craig Piers gave the Treasurer's report. There have been six resignations. The major reason for the resignations was not wishing to travel. We now have 68 members. There are 5-6 people who have given talks, but have not paid in recent years, so we have 63 paying members. Approximately 40% of the members attended the meeting this year. It costs $4,200-4,300 to run the meeting. We usually get $5,000 in dues. We pay travel expenses (not necessarily internationally), hotel, the Friday night dinner, and for the party. Dues are $75 for members and $30 for guests. We should have a balance of $2,000-3,000 left after this year's meeting. There was not a sense that we should increase the fees to have a larger balance. Dr. Lachmann noted we haven't admitted new members in recent years. Dr. Eagle stated he was impressed by the guests and would like to have new members.

3. The 8:30 a.m. meeting time on Saturday and the face-to-face presentation of interests were discussed. It was decided to continue the face-to-face discussion. This would not preclude adding something on the web site. Next year Saturday afternoon will be less packed.

4. Thanks were expressed to Paolo Migone for the web site. Some people had difficulty downloading the papers. A possible explanation could be that some members don't see the web site through the Internet (i.e., when they are connected) but only from their cache memory, so they see old pages. A request was made to investigate putting discussions on the web site through Netcast or Forum (currently, discussions can be sent by e-mail to the Rapaport-Klein Study Group's listserv [RAPAPORT-KLEIN@LISTSERVER.SICAP.IT], but cannot be collated on the web site; for those who want to keep track of them, it has been suggested to use a separate mailbox for the e-mails coming from the Group's listserv).

5. New members were proposed: Joe Lichtenberg and Richard Chafetz were unanimously approved. Although the question of criteria for membership was discussed, the decision was made to keep them "fuzzy."

6. A special gratitude to Melissa Roy for her help was expressed. C. Piers was thanked for suggesting her. Members also expressed gratitude to Fran Lippmann for hosting the party.

7. Speakers for next year were discussed. It was noted that at one point in the past requests had been sent to members asking if they had something they wished to present.

8. Bob Holt moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion was approved.

Rebecca Curtis

June 11, 2006

Presiding: Paul Lippman

Treasurer's Report. Craig Piers reported that the treasury balance was sufficient pay for a final year's meeting if no one paid dues. The proportion paying has fallen off: only 37% don't owe this year's dues. The cost of conferences has been running from $ 4,000 to $ 4,500. He will send emails to delinquents. Our policy is to drop people from membership if they area delinquent for three years, but it has not been enforced. Since all who attend do pay, it is possible that it is perceived as a conference fee, not general dues. In the discussion of what to do about it, someone suggested that the dues bill be in a separate communication from the one asking about intention to come. Payment for guests is still $30. Nothing was said about the limit of 10 guests at any one conference; presumably it is either working OK or has simply been forgotten.

New members. The following were discussed and voted into membership, to take effect at once: Everett Waters, Gary Cox-Steiner, Morris Roy, Philip Wong, Andrew Gerber. Bert suggested having these last 3 (still students) make presentations at a panel.

Next Year's Program: In the discussion of possible speakers, several people expressed interest in a program on research on psychotherapies, going on at Riggs in which Chris Perry participates. Sue Coates suggested two people: Daniel Schacter and Karlen Lyons-Ruth. Morris proposed a debate on the relevance of research to practice.

Thanks. There were several expressions of praise and gratitude to the chairs, Doris Silverman and Paul Lippmann for their graceful presiding and general good job they have done. Paul and Fran and also Carrie were thanked for the party and Saturday lunch. Paolo received a lot of commendation for the great job he has done running the web site. He announced that he had made a movie of Bob's presentation at this year meeting on the history of the NYU Research Center for Mental Health, and plans to make a DVD with the help of Everett Waters: this DVD will be available on request (Paolo had made a video from his earlier filming of the session of 2003 on reminiscences of David Rapaport). Copies will be made available to all who want it.

Bob Holt

June 10, 2007

1. Treasurer's report. We have 76 members, with 62 active members. Some members have not paid their dues for four years. We have to decide if we wish to continue the fall mailing about dues. Some years before, the dues statement went out only once, with the agenda in the spring, although some people didn't pay unless they were coming to the spring meeting, apparently thinking that they didn't need to pay if they weren't coming. the pay rate has not improved, however by sending out a fall mailing for dues and the mailing does cost members.

2. Caroline Johnson was thanked for all of her work.

3. No new members were proposed.

4. Input about speakers was requested. Peter Hobson from Tavistock on the theory of mind and Gergely from Hungary were suggested. Joe Lichtenberg offered himself on the topic of sexuality and the Oedipal conflict. Paul Lippmann said it would be difficult for the organizers to make choices if members proposed themselves. Harry Fiss suggested Ernest Hartmann on dream research. Karlin Lyons-Ruth on attachment, and John Gunderson were also suggested. A request by one member was made for more clinical work. Most people thought two speakers on Saturday were enough. More time for the round robin was proposed, but it was thought that people would talk too long if two hours were allowed.

5. The guest policy was discussed and it was decided to leave the policy at one guest per member. Inviting groups of people (a particular psychoanalytic society and not others) would put the Austen Riggs Center in a difficult position. The low attendance at this meeting was noted, but its relation to a friendly, pleasant atmosphere was commented on. It seemed that many members present had homes not far from Stockbridge.

6. The next meeting is June 13-15, 2008.

Respectfully submitted, Rebecca Curtis

June 15, 2008

In attendance: Susan Coates, Larry Friedman, Darlene Ehrenberg, Joseph Lichtenberg, Frank Lachmann, Ernst Prelinger, Harry Fiss, David Olds, Phyllis Ackman, Anni Bergman, John Auerbach, Paolo Migone, Marvin Hurvich, Richard Lasky, Doris Silverman, Paul Lippmann, John Muller, Craig Piers, Jerry Fromm, Rebecca Curtis, Norbert Freedman

1. Treasurer's Report. There are 75 members, with 60 actively paying their $75.00 each year as dues and $30.00 for any guest. There are about 15 who have not paid for 5-6 years. When these "nonpaying, inactive members" are removed, 73-75% of the group's members usually pay. No one is ever billed for more than two years of unpaid back dues. We have a balance now of $5,400 which is enough to plan for next year's meeting.

2. Membership Report. Aaron Esman sent a resignation letter. He has retired from practice and wishes the group continued success. Dr. Esman was one of the original members. We shall continue to send him announcements and keep him as an honorary member, as has been done for other members who have resigned. Elected to membership: Phillip Blumberg, Joseph Reppen. If Bob Bornstein and Marcia Cavell desire membership, they have also been approved. We shall consider Geoff Good man for membership next year if he attends again. There was a discussion that members should be encouraged to bring guests. This had not always been the case in the past.

3. Suggestions for next year's speakers: Barbara Milrod, Jonathan Shedler, Fred Busch of Columbia who has written on psychotherapy and medication and mentalization, Linda Mayes, Jennifer Dowling and Richard Friedman, some primatologists such as Dorothy Cheney & Robert Seyfarth, Gyorgy Gergely, Elliot Jurist, Wilma Bucci, Arietta Slade, Miriam Steel, Sara Hurdy, and a research group such as the one from IPTAR. The next meeting will be held June 12-14, 2009.

4. Austen Riggs was thanked for hosting us, Nadine for helping us, all the speakers and members for their contributions, and Doris Silverman and Paul Lippmann for organizing the program, introducing the speakers, and conducting the meeting.

Respectfully submitted, Rebecca Curtis, Reporting Secretary

June 14, 2009

1. Minutes from the last meeting were approved by acclamation.
2. The death of Harry Fiss was reported and an appreciation of his life and work was made.
3. Treasurer's Report:
     a. Craig Piers reported that there was a current balance of about $ 9,000 prior to bills being paid for this meeting.
     b. The cost of meetings is at about $ 5,000, and has been rising steadily.
     c. About 58% of members have paid their dues, and if the number of members who virtually never pay their dues are subtracted from the listing, then about 80% of members have paid their dues.
     d. There was brief discussion of whether or not dues might be raised. No action was taken.
4. Membership:
     a. Wilma Bucci nominated Leon Hoffman and Bernie Maskit for membership. There was support and discussion of these nominations. The nominations were approved unanimously.
     b. There was a discussion of the potential for additional new members being invited and there were no additional nominations.
     c. Ruth Gruenthal was nominated and approved for membership.
     d. Bob Holt was nominated for an honorary life-time membership.
     e. If people have a change of address, please send that information to Paolo for change in the register and the website.
5. Planning for the June 2010 Rapaport-Klein Study Group meeting. There was discussion about a speaker for Friday evening's program, and the following suggestions were made: Bradley Peterson, Kevin Ochsner, John Gunderson, George Gergely, Jason Brown, Eric Kandel, Ray Jackindoff, George Lakoff, Jeff Nunberg, Ernst Hartmann, Everett Waters (who was agreeable to present).
6. Relationship with Austen Riggs:
     a. There was discussion about the extent or lack of participation by Riggs faculty.
     b. Several names were mentioned as people who could be encouraged to attend.
7. The new local psychoanalytic institute was mentioned as a possible source of attendees/members.
     a. There was discussion about the need to appeal to individuals regardless of their local or non-local affiliation.
     b. Continuing education credits were mentioned as a potential promotional factor.
8. Paolo Migone and Doris were complimented on their flexibility in shuffling the program at the last minute.
9. The meeting was adjourned at 9:50 AM.

Respectfully submitted, Richard A. Chefetz

June 13, 2010

Attending: Phyllis Ackman, Deborah Browning, Marcia Cavell, Mauricio Cortina, Gary Cox-Steiner, Rebecca Curtis, Morris Eagle, Anne Erreich, Gerard Fromm, Ruth Gruenthal, Frank Lachmann, Paul Lippmann, Paolo Migone, John Muller, Craig Piers, Everett Waters, David Wolitzky.

1. Treasurer's Report: Report. We went into the year with a balance of approximately $ 4,400, a historically low balance. We collected dues from 43, or 57%, of the members. Thus we generated approximately $ 3,700 in dues (this estimate includes members who brought their membership up to date and the fees for guests). The conference typically costs $ 4,000-4,500 a year. The variation is driven mostly by the travel and hotel expenses we pay for invited, non-member speakers. This year the conference cost $ 4,600. There are approximately 15 members who haven't paid dues in years. Some of them were made members after speaking and perhaps really didn't endorse membership. Some like to get the program and remain on the listserv. One person suggested that we make these people emeritus members. In the end, this means that we have 60 members who typically pay their dues, for maximum annual collection of $ 4,500. Consequently, unless we collect dues from all regularly paying members we do not raise enough money to recover the cost of the meeting from existing reserves. As Treasurer, I suggest we give some thought to this issue because clearly it is not sustainable from a financial perspective. Richard Lasky and Carrie Schaefer resigned...
2. Meeting time for next year: The meeting will be held June 3-5 next year if Austen Riggs can accommodate us so as not to conflict again with the meeting of the American Psychoanalytic Association.
3. Co-chairs: Paul Lippmann is serving his last term as co-chair. He nominated Craig Piers to be a new co-chair to serve with Doris Silverman.
4. New members: John Witenberg, Danielle Knafo, David Lotto and Jeff Goodman were approved as new members. Jeremy Safran and Janine Vivona will be made members if they wish. New members will be asked to provide contact information to Craig Piers.
5. Gratitude was expressed to Nadine for help with organizing the meeting, to Fran Lippmann for hosting the party, and to Paul Lippmann for serving as co-chair.

Respectfully submitted, Rebecca Curtis, Reporting Secretary

June 15, 2011

In attendance: Wilma Bucci, Rebecca Curtis, Anne Erreich, Larry Friedman, James Fosshage, Ken Frank, Jeff Goodman, Ruth Gruenthal, Danielle Knafo, Frank Lachmann, Paul Lippmann, Bernard Maskit, Paolo Migone, John Muller, Craig Piers, Doris Silverman, Paul Wachtel, Jean Wittenberg, David Wolitzky.

1. Doris Silverman asked reactions to eliminating the go-around regarding what people had done in the past year. A suggestion was made to collect a paragraph about the work, a list of publications (preferably APA style), and presentations, whatever, from the past year from those who wish. The secretary will compile them into a document and send them to the webmaster.

2. There was agreement that the introductions of guests were too long and will be shortened. Also the number of invited guests will continue to be managed by the co-chairs. The number of guests will likely be limited to 10-15 people.

3. New members elected: Horst Kächele, Anna Ornstein, Paul Ornstein, and Seymour Moscovitz.

4. Listserv and web site: People on "" are not getting the emails. Paolo will send the command to make certain that we are all on the new list. Paolo will consult with Richard Chefetz and Andrew Gerber about any changes that need to be made.

5. Robert Wallerstein wrote that he is 90 and will need to resign.

6. Fred Schwartz will be asked if he wishes to become an honorary member.

Treasurer's report: Craig Piers

7. 16 have not paid dues or come to meetings for many years. We only have about 55 paying members.

8. The conference costs about $5,000.00. We pay rooms and dinner for invited speakers who are not members. In the past, we typically have $5,000.00 before we begin a conference to pay for the one in progress.

9. We came into the conference this year, however, with only $3,800.00. Several ideas were discussed: 1) Increasing dues to $100.00 so we have in the bank the cost of one conference. 2) Increasing the guest fee. 3) A one-time assessment of $25.00.

10. The group was in unanimous in favor of raising dues to $100.00. Majority were in favor of raising the guest fee from 25.00 to $50.00. Both measures will be in place next year.

11. Doris Silverman then discussed next year's meeting. It was agree that it will be the group's 50th anniversary. Some members suggested reaching out to founding members of the group and encourage them to attend. This list includes: Bob Holt, David Shapiro, Peter Wolff, and Herbert Schlesinger.

12. Doris asked for suggestions for possible speakers. The following people were suggested: Sarah B. Hrdy, Jacques Barber, Chris Muran, John Gunderson, new director at Riggs, Jerry Wakefield, Judy Kantrowitz. Other suggestions should be sent to Doris and Craig.

13. David Woltizky encouraged people to submit to Psychological Issues. The papers are not only of high quality but the journal also sells at least 500 copies.

Respectfully submitted, Rebecca Curtis, Reporting Secretary

June 3, 2012

In attendance: Phyllis Ackman, Anni Bergman, Wilma Bucci, Marcia Cavell, Richard Chefetz, Susan Coates, Mauricio Cortina, Gary Cox-Steiner, Rebecca Curtis, Jim Fosshage, Ken Frank, Larry Friedman, M. Gerard Fromm, Jesse Geller, Andrew Gerber, Geoff Goodman, Marvin Hurvich, Horst Kaechele, John Kerr, Danielle Knafo, Frank Lachmann, Paul Lippmann, Bernard Maskit, Paolo Migone, Seymour Moscovitz, John Muller, David Olds, Craig Piers, Ellen Rees, Doris Silverman, Jean Wittenberg, David Wolitzky.

1. Treasurer's Report. Craig Piers gave the treasurer's report. Last year we had raised the dues to $100.00. We started the conference with $3568.46 and obtained approximately $5100.00 from dues. We have 78 paying members, but 20 members have not paid or attended for two or more years. If we take out those who aren't active, 88% (51) of the members paid their dues this year. This year we have 65 members attending and 17 guests. This is the largest number of people attending in the history of the group.

2. Guest policy and seating problem. There is a fire hazard if we don't have aisles clear, so we were not able to have our usual circular table arrangement. Some people were not happy about the seating arrangement this year. In the past we had at most 40 to 50 in attendance. Suggestions about what to do about the effects of the large attendance on seating were solicited. One suggestion was that we find out the planned attendance by members by a certain date and then allow guests only up to capacity for the traditional table arrangement.

3. Resignation of Doris Silverman. Doris Silverman announced that she has decided to stop organizing the program. Next year's program will be arranged by Craig Piers, Paolo Migone and Andrew Gerber. We'll decide what to do after that.

4. New member nominations. Jim Fosshage nominated Sandra Hershberg. Frank Lachmann and Danielle Knafo seconded the nomination. She was approved for membership. Geoff Goodman nominated Valeda Dent. Paul Lippmann seconded the nomination. She was approved for membership. Their emails and phone numbers should be sent to Paolo Migone.

5. Bert Friedman died during the past year. Marvin Hurvich spoke about his senior role at IPTAR, in New York City, and as program co-ordinator of the Rapaport-Klein Study Group for many years along with Morris Eagle (from 1990 to 2001) His last book was finished and will be donated to the Riggs library.

6. Follow-up on members. Joe Masling has resigned. Fred Schwartz could not be reached about becoming an honorary member.

7. Time limit for presentations and questions. Should it be flexible or not? After airing various views, there was a consensus that speakers should be asked if they prefer to have questions during their presentations or afterwards.

8. Table format and capacity were discussed again. Many people consider the table format essential to the group. The need to have a policy that limits the number of people attending was re-iterated.

9. Doris Silverman was commended for all of her work. Nadine Desautels and Fran and Paul Lippmann was also thanked for their involvement in the conference.

Respectfully submitted, Rebecca Curtis, Reporting Secretary

June 9, 2013

1. New "honorary" or "emeritus" members were discussed. Members unanimously elected to Emeritus status: Morris Eagle, David Shapiro, and Paul Wachtel.

2. Newly elected members: Heather Berlin, Sandy Shapiro, and Holly Levenkron.

3. Treasurer's Report: Balance going into the conference: $ 3,517.87. Revenue from dues: $ 5,950.00. Cost of meeting: $ 4,591.22 (not all the costs are in). Current balance: $ 4,876.65.

4. The group discussed ideas for next year's speakers. There was an emphasis from several members on the idea of making sure that the presentations included more "clinically relevant" topics, either through the discussion of clinical theoretical topics or through presentation of case material. Ideas for next year's speakers and format included (with the name of the proposing member in parentheses, where noted):

a. Lou Cozzolino on neurobiology of psychotherapy and George Gergely on infant learning (Larry Friedman)

b. Philosophical definitions of motivation (Marcia Cavell)

c. Consider moving the introductions to Friday, so that there would be more time on Saturday morning to have an open discussion after the first speaker (Andrew Gerber)

d. Implications of technology for psychoanalysis/psychotherapy

e. More discussion of the interface between clinical and science (Phil Wong)

f. Previous discussion on motivation and intention was too vague (Joe Lichtenberg)

g. Implications of technology, Katherine Hales (Paul Lippman)

h. Israeli psychologist on technology, Strenger, "The New Cosmopolitan" in Psychoanalytic Psychology (Mauricio Cortina)

i. Eric Kandel (Sandra Hershberg)

j. Phantasy, regression, and primary process - it's not acknowledged how controversial these are (Ann Erreich)

k. Tower of Babel (Jesse Geller)

l. 30 minutes presentations (Anne Erreich)

m. Betsy Auchincloss and Eslee Samberg on definitions of psychoanalytic terms (Larry Friedman)

n. Definition of psychoanalysis (Darlene Ehrenberg)

Respectfully submitted, Andrew J. Gerber, Reporter

June 15, 2014

1. Craig Piers gave the Treasurer's report. The balance coming into the weekend was $4,400, up $1,000 from last year. Last year's conference cost $5,700. At time of meeting, we raised $4,300 (37 members paid) in dues this year. Last year, we raised $6,350 (57 members paid). Thus, dues revenue unlikely to cover cost of this year's meeting. We have 78 (42% attended this year)members, 22 of whom have not paid dues in many years. Our policy is to hold non-paying members responsible for one of past dues. 42% came. Last year 44% came. Question raised: Should guest fees be raised. Group decided not to raise guest fees because should not be a problem if members pay. Question raised: Should we tell these people they are no longer members? Group decided to continue sending the program to non-paying members, because many have indicated that they like to receive the program and it costs the group every little. We take recommendation for Emeritus Members. Ann Appelbaum, Morris Eagle, Aaron Hesman, Bob Holt, Herb Schlesinger, Fred Schwartz, David Shapiro, Paul Wachtel , Bob Wallerstein, and Peter Wolff are now Emeriti.

2. Discussion of next year. For next year's "Go-around", people were encouraged to discuss their "interests" rather than their "publications" over the past year. The issue of limited time was discussed, and members were encouraged to be brief so all members can speak during go-around. Some members expressed interest in generating a list of members' publications and posting it to the website. Jim Fosshage agreed to take lead on this project.

3. New morning session discussion format (this year was led by Larry Friedman and Andrew Gerber). Mixed reviews to format. Maybe we need to stick to the questions presented? Some complained that it went all over the place. Maybe the topics were too big and if we had a smaller topic it might be better? Threads were not always followed. Possibility of breaking up into smaller groups, or a moderator could keep things on track. Chair and moderators have to keep us focused on issues and provide guidelines about how long to speak. The topic must be more circumscribed because the burden on the moderator would be too great. One offered to bring a bell. Andrew Gerber said that it could be shorter. We could have a break and crystallize a few things. Others do not wish to break up into small groups. Could we spend 20 minutes on vocabulary - motivation or consciousness, for example. Or have multiple definitions. We used to have 3 presentations on Saturday and the group thought there was not enough time. Two presentations seems adequate, they allow time. We once had presentations on Saturday and then a discussion on Sunday. There was a hope that a discussion would follow Myron Hofer's talk and we got off on others stuff. But Saturday was billed ahead of time for something else. Myron had tried to link his paper to what we were doing. If the go-around was on Friday, would we have more time on Saturday. It cannot be on Friday night because that is open to outsiders. It could be over lunch. We don't need an hour and a half for lunch, one said. One suggestion is to have a clinical presentation on Friday night.

4. Speakers for next year. Joe Lichtenberg is one suggestion. Daniel Kahneman initially accepted this year and then had another event. He originally worked with Rapaport. Susan Carey or Rebecca Saxe on agency and infant's understanding of causality; Liz Phelps on neuroscience; , Paul Bloom on child work; Alicia Lieberman, Charles Zeanah on the Romania's Abandoned Children study; Jeremy Safran; and Vittorio Gallese not on mirror neurons but his new stuff on their application to art, literature and cinema. Eric Kandel was also suggested.

5. Nominations for new membership. Procedure reviewed. When people present to the group, they can be considered for membership the same year. This sets them apart from guests who need to come at least 2 years to be considered. Recommendations for membership need to be proposed, introduced to the group, and seconded. If indicated, group discussion follows. This followed by a vote, which should be kept confidential. People should feel to vote no and don't need to provide reasons. Montana Katz and Diana Diamond were elected. Adrienne Harris and Steven Cooper will be encouraged to return next year. There was general agreement about the need to keep the group relatively small.

6. Gratitude was extended to Nadine and the Lippmanns for their hospitality. Gratitude was extended to Mauricio for cleaning up the room.

7. Associate Editor of JAPA: is there a way to submit presentations for publication? Could presentations be auditory as a podcast or transcribed as a paper? Speakers can say no, of course. This will be explored further.

Respectfully submitted, Rebecca Curtis, Reporting Secretary

June 14, 2015

In attendance: Richard Chefetz, Susan Coates, Mauricio Cortina, Rebecca Curtis, Valeda Dent, Diana Diamond, Morris Eagle, Darlene Ehrenberg, Anne Erreich, Jesse Geller, Andrew Gerber, Geoff Goodman, Montana Katz, Jim Fosshage, Sandra Hershberg, Danielle Knafo, Ken Frank, Frank Lachmann, John Kerr, Fran Lippmann, Paul Lippmann, Holly Levenkron, David Lotto, Paolo Migone, Seymour Moscovitz, David Olds, Craig Piers, Ellen Rees, Sandy Shapiro, Jean Wittenberg, David Wolitzky

1. Treasurer's Report. Last year we fell short on dues. We came into this year's conference with $3,600. We prefer to have $5,000 to start the conference. But this year almost 100% of the members paid their dues. We have only 49 active members but raised $6,400 this year. We had 33 attending the meeting last year. This year we have 43 members attending plus 18 guests. The recommendation is to leave the dues the same. One person made the point there were too many people here this year and the room felt crowded.

2. Discussion of this year's meeting. Several people thought the program was particularly good this year. There was appreciation for having speakers outside the field. A discussion then ensued about the lack of criticism expressed openly to points raised by the speakers. One suggestion was to have some flex time for a discussion. At one point in the history of the meeting there was a discussion period after the business meeting. Various alternatives for the schedule were put forward. There was also a discussion of the structure of the meeting. Should there be shorter papers and more discussion time? Members should let Craig Piers know if they have suggestions. Andrew Gerber, Craig Piers and Paolo Migone will work out the schedule.

3. Nominations of new members. Some nominations were carried over from last year: Adrienne Harris, Steven Cooper, Jacques Barber, Donnel Stern and Chris Christian. Jacques Barber and Chris Christian were voted to be new members. It was proposed that if at least two people have an objection, the nominee would be tabled, instead of having a majority vote determine the membership. It was decided not to invite other new members now, but to have a discussion next year about the way to determine new members.

Respectfully submitted, Rebecca Curtis, Reporting Secretary

June 19, 2016

In attendance: Phyllis Ackman, Deborah Browning, Mauricio Cortina, Rebecca Curtis, Valeda Dent, Diana Diamond, Darlene Ehrenberg, Anne Erreich, Larry Friedman, Geoff Goodman, John Kerr, Frank Lachmann, Fran Lippmann, Paul Lippmann, David Lotto, Montana Katz, Paolo Migone, David Olds, Craig Piers, Ellen Rees, Doris Silverman, Everett Waters, Jean Wittenberg

1. Treasurer's Report. Craig Piers reported that we started last year's meeting with $3,600 in the bank. In the past, we've aimed at having $5,000 in the bank before starting, so that we would have the funds for a subsequent meeting. The conference is costing more now. The rooms at the Red Lion Inn are now $350.00 each night (it was suggested that we try to get a reduced rate). The Red Lion Inn did exempt our guests from the two-night minimum. This year we also paid for a flight from abroad. This year, 67% of the members paid dues. No one is ever asked to pay more than for two years. The size of the active membership is only 55-60, not the 70 members listed, many of whom have not been at the meeting for years. We do have eight Emeritus members. Members are charged $50.00 for guests. Some suggested that a line will be added to the dues form to ask for volunteer contributions, although there was not general agreement. Next year's meeting hopefully will not overlap again with the meeting of the American Psychoanalytic Association and likely be held during the second weekend in June. We agreed to raise the dues to $150.00.

2. Procedure for New Members. The current procedure is that non-member speakers are eligible to become members. On the other hand, non-speaking guests become eligible for membership after attending 2-3 meetings and contributing to discussions. Both non-member speakers and guests must be nominated for membership and voted on by the entire group. Procedure for membership: (1) nominated and seconded by members; (2) members are asked if any objections, and objections must be seconded; (3) entire membership then votes on nominee. This marks a difference from the past. In the past, if two members objected, nominee would not be considered and her/his membership would be taken up the following year. It was also suggested and agreed that non-member speakers be invited to come back and, if they do, they would become eligible for membership. This way we would not just be adding members who won't return.

3. New members. György Gergely was nominated. It was suggested and agreed that we invite him to come back again but not ask him to be a member (or pay dues) now, as he is usually out of the US. Adrienne Harris nomination was tabled last year due to an objection. There was no vote for new members.

4. Suggested Speakers for Next Year. Joe Lichtenberg, Erik Fertuck, Michael Tomasello, Everett Waters, Kathryn Monk at Columbia who works on perinatal development, George Makari author of his recent book Soul Machine, Jackendoff on the mind, Alan Sroufe, Jim Gilligan (who, however, was already invited in 2002), and Ed Tronick. Members were invited to send additional suggestions to Craig Piers, Andrew Gerber, and Paolo Migone.

Respectfully submitted, Rebecca Curtis, Reporting Secretary

June 4, 2017

In attendance: Phyllis Ackman, Phillip Blumberg, Deborah Browning-Schimek, Wilma Bucci, Maurcio Cortina, Rebecca Curtis, Valeda Dent, Anne Erreich, Larry Friedman, Jesse Geller, Andrew Gerber, Geoff Goodman, Danielle Knafo, Frank Lachmann, Paul Lippmann, David Lotto, Bernie Maskit, Paolo Migone, Craig Piers, Ellen Rees, Everett Waters, Jean Wittenberg.

Chair: Craig Piers

1. Thanks to Nadine, Paul and Fran, and Andrew and Riggs.

2. Treasurer's Report. The situation is dire. We had $3,000 last year coming into the conference, but only $1,000 this year. Thirty-three members paid the $150 dues (along with guest fee) before coming, amounting approximately to $5,500; 37 have paid to date. It costs about $7,000 to put on the conference. We have 75 members, but usually only 52-55 paying members. We need to have more money before the conference.
It was suggested that we might apply for a 501C status for non-profit organizations to make tax-deductible contributions possible. Mauricio paid less that $1,000 for a lawyer to do this. It takes a good deal of writing of by-laws. But our dues are already deductible as a business expense.
Another idea was to record the presentations and say you can get the recordings if you pay your dues.
A one-time assessment was suggested. A dues increase was also suggested.
We could have dues plus a conference registration fee, or a pre-conference reduction on the dues.
We don't usually bill people for more than two years of back dues.
It was decided to raise the dues to $200 for next year and have a $100 assessment this year.

3. New Members. Current Emeritus members are Bob Holt, Peter Wolff, Fred Schwartz, Herb Schlesinger, Morris Eagle, David Shapiro, and Paul Wachtel.
Sophie Freud was elected to Emerita Status.
New members elected: Steve Ackerman, Jennifer Stevens, and Katie Lewis.

4. Speaker suggestions for next year: Catherine Monk, Richard Friedman, Tiziano Colibazzi, Roger Frie, Ed Zigler, Nate Kraviz, and Allan Abbass.

5. The possibility of having Fellows was considered to increase interest among young professionals, but accommodations were seen as a potential problem.

Respectfully submitted, Rebecca Curtis, Reporting Secretary

June 10, 2018

In attendance: Phyllis Ackman, Phil Blumberg, Rebecca Curtis, Anne Erreich, Lawrence Friedman, Jesse Geller, Andrew Gerber, Frank Lachmann, Joe Lichtenberg, Paul Lippmann, David Lotto, Paolo Migone, Seymour Moskovitz, Craig Piers, Everett Waters, Jean Wittenberg.

Craig Piers chaired the meeting.

1. Thanks to Fran and Paul Lippmann for hosting a nice party. Thanks to Nadine for all of her help. Thanks to Paolo Migone for managing the website.

2. Treasurer's Report. 2. Last year we were in a desperate financial situation. Nineteen members gave a one-time assessment. One-time payments generated about $3,000. We came into the current conference with about $5,400. We generated approximately $6,800 in dues collection prior to this year's conference. So we should have $5,000-$6,000 heading into next year's conference. Costs have gone up. Thirty-seven or so have their dues this year. We have 76 members. Forty or so never pay. Forty-five people came to the conference this year - fifteen were guests. Some haven't paid this year. Craig will write to them. Please next year write on your check if you are coming or not. This will help Nadine plan the food. Last year we had about 45 people. No change was made to dues - they remain at $150 for members, $50 for guests.

3. Nominations for new members. Catherine Monk was nominated by Phyllis Ackman. It was said that we should wait a year or two. Craig Piers reminded us we have a policy. There is a nomination, a second, objections and then a vote. Craig seconded her nomination. She was voted in. Phyllis will contact her. [Later we learned that Catherine Monk prefers to wait to become a member because she is unable to attend meetings in this period, she will let us know when she will be able to attend meetings and become a member]
Malini Singh was nominated. She was made a member. Anne will let her know.
Jeremy Ridenaur was nominated. The vote was in favor of membership. He will be told after the business meeting.
Jesse Geller noted that the membership of the group is aging and that he is concerned about the survival of the group. Andrew suggested that we should "interview" members who do not attend to determine "what would make people attend." We all could call a few people. We also could ask if they know someone who might wish to come. Andrew will head up this process.

4. Suggestions for outside speakers. Nate Kravis, Billie Pivnick, Barry Farber, Nancy McWilliams, Kevin Meehan, Theodor Gaensbaur, Todd Essig, Jeff Sandbourne, and Hermione Lee. Joe Lichtenberg has expressed interest in presenting as a Member - he never presented to group despite his long membership. Other suggestions should be sent to Craig, Andrew, and Paolo.

Respectfully submitted, Rebecca Curtis, Reporting Secretary

June 9, 2019

Craig Piers chaired the meeting.

Thanks to those who facilitated this year's meeting. Craig Piers pointed out that any member can post to the Listserve without going through Craig. Listserve address is at the bottom of the Rapaport-Klein Study Group webpage (

Treasurer: Craig indicated that we started this year's meeting with $10,000. Paid $6000-7000 for speakers, facilities, etc. Raising dues has helped stabilize financial situation. 82% of members have paid dues for this year ($6,900). Requesting dues resulted in Ed Shapiro, Chris Fowler and a few others declaring non-membership.

News: Adolf Grünbaum dies at 95, on November 15, 2018. Morris Eagle and Doris Silverman provided remembrances. Andrew Gerber stepped down as chair of the group.

Discussion: Should main speakers move to Saturday? Concluded that we should not require Friday for main speakers. Ask them which day is preferable. Also emphasize that they are invited to participate in the year's meeting before/after their own talk.

Suggested speakers for 2020: Marvin Goldfried, of Stony Brook (suggested by Everett Waters); Robert Whitaker, Marcia Angell, and David Gelernter (suggested by Danielle Knafo); Barry Farber (suggested by Jesse Geller); Jonathan House; Fred Busch on process, Ed Katz, and Nate Kravis (suggested by Larry Friedman); Michael Tomasello (suggested by Mauricio Cortina), Allison Gopnick; Paul Bloom on language; Frans De Waal, of the Yerkes National Primate Research Center; Joe Cambray, a Jungian analyst (suggested by Paul Lippmann); Ray Jackendoff, of Tufts, on language and thought; Phil Bromberg; Jessica Benjamin.

Saturday morning discussion of current activities (the "informal go-round") ran out of time this year. Ideas for insuring that we get through everyone included: using a timer, and limiting topics that should be covered (e.g., only research related). Another suggestion was to shorten the first Saturday talk, maybe devoting it to new research by a young scientist recruited by a member. Positive reaction to this idea. To be discussed at next business meeting.

New Members: Ashley Greene voted new member (informed by Morris); Ben Wood voted new member (informed by Craig).

Unfinished Business: More time for member presentations. Work out specifics for increasing time for member presentations by reducing time allotted for Saturday morning talk. Everett Waters suggested commissioning a plaque to honor Bob Holt (who on December 27, 2018, was 101 years old). First step would be to assess interest among members. Then see if Riggs would welcome such a gift. Consider declining Bob Holt's inclination to resign from the group.

Prepared by Everett Waters

June 14, 2020 (in videoconference)

Craig Piers and Paolo Migone co-chaired the Business Meeting.

1) Speakers for the 2020 meeting were granted a $300 honorarium in order to show our thanks for participating at the meeting.

2) 27 members paid dues for the 2020 year. Dues were not needed because of the virtual format. These paid dues will be used for the 2021 meeting. Members who did not pay dues will need to pay for the 2021 meeting.

3) Craig Piers announced that the group is financially stable with around $10,000 in the bank account.

4) Craig Piers made an emeritus member nomination for Irwin Hoffman. Irwin resigned in the past year because he was unable to attend meetings anymore. Craig Piers indicated that Irwin presented multiple times, was a paying member for 40 years, and was brought to the meeting by Merton Gill. Members discussed the nomination and noted the Hoffman always helped created spirited discussions at the meetings when he presented. Members voted to approve the emeritus nomination.

5) Craig opened the meeting for a discussion of potential new members. Lawrence Friedman proposed that Nathan Kravis would be a good potential member if he was able to present in the future. Anne Erreich proposed Cristina M. Alberini and also noted that it would be appropriate for her to present before being officially nominated for membership. Members agreed that there were no new members to vote on this year.

6) Paolo announced that the presentations were recorded this year. The audio and video files will be available on the group's website in the future.

7) The group discussed potential presenters for next year's meeting:

          a. Wilma Bucci et al. will present at the 2021 meeting. They were unable to present this year because of the online format but they agreed to present for the 2021 meeting.

          b. Lawrence Friedman proposed B.J. Casey, who studies adolescent brain development.

          c. Wilma Bucci proposed Tracy Prout, a psychodynamic psychotherapy researcher and Leon Hoffman (member), who is studying regulation focused therapy.

          d. Anne Erreich proposed Cristina M. Alberini, who studies the molecular basis of memory.

          e. Danielle Knafo suggested the group invite a speaker who can speak about race. Possible speakers include Kimberlyn Leary, Kirkland Vaughn, and Usha Tummala-Narra. Multiple members concurred (John Auerbach, Darlene Ehrenberg, Wilma Bucci, et al.) that this would be a good topic and a good list of speakers.

          f. Paolo Migone read the list of potential speakers generated during the 2019 members meeting.

          g. Danielle Knafo suggested the group invite a speaker focusing on sexuality and Paolo Migone added that gender would also be an area of interest for the group. Multiple members also agreed that this would be an interesting area. Lawrence Friedman and Diana Diamond suggested Susan Coates (member) who has extensive experience with working with transgender people. John Auerbach proposed George Brown who has worked with transgender people in the VA system. Diana Diamond also suggested Stuart Adelson, a colleague of Susan Coates, who works with gender concerns.

Prepared by Ben Wood

June 6, 2021 (in videoconference)

In attendance: Phyllis Ackman, John Auerbach, Deborah Browning, Wilma Bucci, Susan Coates, Mauricio Cortina, Rebecca Curtis, Anne Erreich, Lawrence Friedman, Jesse Geller, Leon Hoffman, Danielle Knafo, Annette Lachmann, Frank Lachmann, Paul Lippmann, David Lotto, Malini Singh, Bernard Maskit, Paolo Migone, Seymour Moscovitz, David Olds, Craig Piers, Ellen Rees, Jean Wittenberg.

1) Treasurer's Report 2021: The full report is below. Some noteworthy items: There are 51 active members, 17 inactive. 22 paid for this year ($1,100). $10,089 Beginning Balance, $1,500 expenses this year (speakers were paid an honorarium), $8,800 is the expected cost of the next conference, the balance after 2022 is expected to be $3,389. $150/year are the normal dues.

Beginning Balance: $8,989
     2021 Revenue from Dues: $1,100 (22 Members paid)
     2021 Expenses (Honorarium): $1,500
Balance after 2021: $8,589 (Includes 27 prepaid Members)

     Total: 78
     Emeritus: 10
     Active, paying Members: 51 (17 Inactive Members)
     Revenue from Dues: $7,650,  $350.00 Guests

2022 Beginning Balance (before dues): $8,589
     Revenue from Dues: $7,650
     Already Paid 2022 (27): $4,050
     New Revenue from dues: $3,600
Balance going into 2022: $12,189
     2022 Conference Cost: about $8,800
Balance after 2022: about $3,389

2) Nominations for new members: Cristina Alberini was nominated by Anne Erreich. Jesse Geller seconded. She was approved. Anne Erreich nominated Bonnie Litowitz. Deborah Browning seconded. Bonnie's membership is dependent on the meeting being hybrid by Zoom. Because people don't know her, it was suggested she present first. She is past Editor-in-Chief of JAPA. Craig Piers nominated Burton Blinder. He presented at the first meeting with Lester Luborsky, in 1963. He has numerous publications and is a member of the College of Research Fellows of APsaA, faculty at the University of California at Irvine; Morris Eagle had invited him two times to the meeting. [Craig Piers spoke with Morris Eagle following the meeting and confirmed that Morris wishes to nominate both Barton Blinder and Andrei Novac. Given they have both attended the last two meetings, made meaningful contributions to the discussions, expressed interest in becoming members, and, in Barton's case, have presented to the group, Barton Blinder and Andrei Novac will be invited to the next meeting and may be voted to become members]

4) A discussion of the next meeting ensued: should it be in person or also with Zoom? The technology available at Riggs will have to be investigated. It is complicated for speakers to present both in-person and in online sharing simultaneously. Craig Piers will explore the possibility.

5) Future speakers: It was noted that next year will be the 60th Anniversary Meeting. Lawrence Friedman suggested Nate Kravitz, the author of On the Couch: A Repressed History of the Analytic Couch from Plato to Freud (MIT Press, 2017), as a speaker in the cultural area, not for research. It was suggested that we have someone who could bridge the relational and Freudian perspectives, like Donnel Stern. Adrienne Harris and Jon Mills were also suggested. Someone dealing with contemporary issues would be good - like diversity, the pandemic, technology. Craig had tried to invite 6 people this year to speak about race and psychoanalysis, but they all declined, including Kirkland Vaughans. Dionne R. Powell and Louis Menand were suggested. Chris Christian organized a whole issue of Psychoanalytic Psychology on this issue and might be consulted. Larry Friedman, Sue Kolod, Elliot Jurist, Peter Rudnitsky and Sherry Turkle were also suggested. Names have to be mailed to Craig Piers and Paolo Migone.

Respectfully submitted, Rebecca Curtis, Reporting Secretary

June 12, 2022 (in videoconference)

In attendance: Phyllis Ackman, John Auerbach, Barbara Buck, Mauricio Cortina, Rebecca Curtis, Morris Eagle, Anne Erreich, Lawrence Friedman, Leon Hoffman, Jesse Geller, Paolo Migone, David Olds, Craig Piers, Ellen Rees, Doris Silverman.

1) Craig Piers reminded everyone of our web site (, of the email address in order to send emails to the entire group (, and of the web page with the list of members with emails (

2) Treasurer's Report 2021: The full report is below. Some noteworthy items: There are 51 active members, 17 inactive. 22 paid for this year ($1,100). $10,089 Beginning Balance, $1,500 expenses this year (speakers were paid an honorarium), $8,800 is the expected cost of the next conference, the balance after 2022 is expected to be $3,389. $150/year are the normal dues.

    Total members: 76
    Paying members: 68
    Emeriti: 8
    Active, paying members: 53 (15 inactive)
    Reveue from dues: $7,950 ($150 dues typical year)
2022 Beginning Balance: $9,383
    2022 dues: $1,850 ($50)
    Pre-paid (2020): $2,900
  Expenses (honoraria): $1,000
Balance after 2022: $8,383
NextYear (2023)
    Beginning Balance 2023: $8,383
        New Dues minus Pre-paid: $5,050
        Total assets: $13,433
        Estimated cost of 2023 meeting (if in person): $9,000
    Balance after 2023: $4,433

3) Suggested speakers next year: Peter Coleman on polarization from a dynamic systems point of view (he is associated with Columbia University, runs "The Dialogue Lab", and in 2021 he wrote the book The Way Out: How to Overcome Toxic Polarization); Joel Weinberger on unconscious processes, including those affecting politics; Jeremy Elkins of Bryn Mawr College on the intersection of political and legal rights; Jill Gentile on feminist law and democracy; Ornal Guralnik on couple therapy (she does live therapy on TV); Esther Perel on couple therapy; Thomas Edsall of the New York Times on current affairs; Joshua Greene of Harvard University, author of Moral Tribes: Emotion, Reason and the Gap Between Us and Them; Jessica Benjamin who, among other things, brought together Palestinians and Israelis; Sheldon Solomon on terror management theory. Should we send out a questionnaire to members on who would like to speak? We try to have two members each year, this year Lawrence Friedman and Chris Christian. Other suggestions should be sent to Craig Piers and Paolo Migone.

4) Nominations for new members: It was noted that Bart Blinder and Andrei Novak were made new members last year. Nominations must be seconded. Presenters are eligible for nomination. Nate Kravis was nominated and seconded, he was voted in as a member. Bonnie Litowitz was nominated and seconded, she was an Editor of JAPA, and came two times, but probably could only attend virtually now; she also could be asked to present; she was voted in as a new member.

5) There was a suggestion that we meet at least partially in person next year and invite more guests.

Respectfully submitted, Rebecca Curtis, Reporting Secretary


June 12, 2023 (in presence, and partly in videoconfererence)


In attendance: Phyllis Ackman, John Auerbach, Deborah L. Browning, Valeda Dent, Darlene Ehrenberg, Anne Erreich, Lawrence Friedman, Jesse Geller, Geoff Goodman, Ruth Gruenthal, David Lotto, Paolo Migone, Seymour Moscovitz, Craig Piers, Doris K. Silverman, Malini Singh, Everett Waters, and Jean Wittenberg.

Treasurer's report: The group is in fairly good shape going into next year's conference. However, as has been the case over the past few years, we do not have the cost of one year's conference in reserve and are completely dependent on yearly dues to cover each year's expenses. Highlights:
This year, 37 of the approximately 50 members who regularly pay dues, paid dues (74%). Approximate amount raised in dues for 2023: about $4,800.00
Approximately, 15 members and guests attended in person. Approximately, 20 members attended at least part of the meeting remotely.
Balance going into the 2023 meeting: about $9,700.00
Cost of 2023 meeting: about $5,300.00
Balance going into 2024 meeting: about $4,400.00

Transition. Chairpersons, Secretary, and Conference Coordinator
Craig Piers and Paolo Migone have been chairs for 13 and 11 years, respectively, and both think that it is now time to transition the role to other members. Rebecca Curtis will also be stepping down as Secretary. Given the planned transitions, Craig and Paolo presented a two-year transition plan.
Four points regarding the chairing the meeting were flagged as important. One, Rapaport-Klein Study Group does not have a formal process for selecting new chairs. The group's tradition has been for the current chairs, in consultation with former chairs and long-standing members, to approach members they think are well-suited to chair to group and ask them if they are interested. Two, it makes sense for chairs to serve multiple years, when possible, given the sheer number of things involved in planning a meeting. Three, ideally the new chairs will be newer and younger members of the group. And four, ideally new chairs should have a link to Austen Riggs, for both practical planning purposes and in light of Rapaport-Klein Study Group's long relationship to Riggs.

For next year only, Craig Piers was pleased to report that Valeda Dent, Geoff Goodman, and John Auerbach have agreed to chair the 2024 meeting. Craig Piers will stay on as Treasurer and Paolo Migone as Webmaster. They will also assist the new chairs in pulling the 2024 meeting together. Craig Piers also plans to assemble a Chair Handbook so incoming chairs will have a sense of what is involved in chairing a meeting. The new Secretary will be announced by the time of the 2024 Business Meeting.

After the 2024 meeting, Craig Piers and Paolo Migone suggested to the group that Katie Lewis, current Director of Research at Riggs, and Dan Knauss, incoming Director of Training at Riggs, would be excellent chairs and meet the criteria spelled out above. Craig and Paolo have asked both of them if they are interested, and both indicated that they are open to the idea. Auerbach has indicated he may be inclined to stay on as chair beyond next year.

Nadine Desautels, longtime Rapaport-Klein Study Group Conference Coordinator, has also indicated that she plans to step down from the role, but is willing remain in the role through the 2024 meeting until a new person is found. Nadine was thanked warmly for her ongoing efforts!

New Items: David Lotto asked if group planned to continue in a hybrid fashion. General consensus: the option for remote attendance will continue. There was also a general consensus that Chairs should do all they can to encourage Speakers to be in-person.

New members: Doris Silverman and Anne Erreich suggested Paul Siegel for membership. Paul came for the first time this year Katie Lewis' guest. For his part, Paul indicated to Craig Piers that he was interested in becoming a member. In keeping with the group's tradition, Paul will be invited to attend next year's meeting and contribute to the discussion. Providing Paul and group continue to think membership makes sense, he can be nominated at next year's business meeting.
Morris Eagle recommended Daniel Knauss for membership. Dan is the incoming Director of Training at Austen Riggs and has attended as a Riggs guest several times. Craig Piers seconded Morris's nomination. There were no objections. The vote was unanimous in favor of offering Dan membership. Craig Piers informed Dan, who was pleased by the news.

Future Speakers:
There continue to be members who have not yet presented to the group. To address this, the outgoing chairs have tried each year to have two or the four speakers drawn from members of the group. Below is the list of people recommended by the group to present next year.
Member Speakers: Katie Lewis, Ashley Greene, Dan Knauss, Jesse Geller
Outside Speakers (recommended by):
     Miriam Steele (Everett Waters and Phyllis Ackerman)
     Jonathan Lear (Larry Friedman)
     Susan Gelman (Larry Friedman)
     Ed Tronick (Phyllis Ackerman)
     A member of Boston Change Process Study Group, such as Karlen Lyons-Ruth (Some member expressed reservations about Bruce Reis)
     Nancy Chodorow (Anne Erreich)
     Beverly Stout (Geoff Goodman)
     Morris Eagle (Larry Friedman)
     Richard Lane (Anne Erreich)

Respectfully submitted, Craig Piers and Paolo Migone

June 16, 2024 (in presence, and partly in videoconfererence)

In attendance: Phyllis Ackman, John Auerbach (recording secretary), Christopher Christian (virtual), Valeda Dent (cochair), Anne Erreich, Lawrence Friedman (virtual), Geoff Goodman (cochair), Katie Lewis, David Lotto, Paolo Migone (webmaster), David Olds, Craig Piers (treasurer), Ellen Rees, Malini Singh.

Valeda Dent and Geoff Goodman served as cochairs for the business meeting and were thanked for coordinating this year’s meeting of the study group.
Treasurer’s Report:
Craig Piers gave the treasurer’s report. This year, 28 (37 last year) of the approximately 45 members who regularly pay dues, paid dues 62% (82% last year).
Revenue from dues                                     ~$4100 ($4800 last year)
Members and guests in attendance             14 (15 last year) 
Members attending remotely                      6 (20 last year)
Balance going into this year’s meeting      ~$9300 ($9700 going into 2023)
Cost of 2024 meeting                                ~$6000 ($5300 last year)
Balance going into 2024 meeting              ~$3300 ($4400.00 last year)
Craig noted that we used to be able to keep in reserve enough money to fund the group for another year, with the main expense of the group being the meeting, but that now we are having to dip into reserves because dues payments, this year and last year, did not cover the cost of the meeting.
New Officers:
John Auerbach and Chris Christian will serve as cochairs for next year’s meeting of the study group. John said he plans to continue in the role for at least a few years as the organization undergoes a period of transition. Craig Piers will continue as treasurer. Paolo Migone will continue as webmaster.

With attendance significantly down this year, discussion focused mainly on the future of the group.

New Business:
Doris Silverman spoke of the importance of the tradition of the group and recalled that people once valued coming to the meetings and speaking at the meetings. She wondered whether the group is still viable.
Anne Erreich noted a disturbing pattern in new members—specifically, that many new members would present once, would be invited to become members, and then would never come back. Members agreed that an offer of membership should come with the expectation that the new member will continue to attend and participate in the meeting.
Ellen Rees observed that something has really shifted in the group and said that there is a problem of generational continuity. She recommended polling the membership as to their future interest in the group. She expressed a concern that the recruitment of new members creates a new group and said that the group at large needs to be alerted to the magnitude of the problem.
Paolo Migone stated that the group members were originally close friends. He proposed that the group has two purposes— affective and theoretical —and that the affective component is a crucial part: the cocktail party, dinner, meeting old friends. Accordingly, he said that the problem is how to raise a new generation who have a connection because, without the connection, the meaning of the meeting is lost.
David Olds asked whether there is a literature on what is happening to groups. He said he hears things, such as that people do not read books anymore. He thought that perhaps the next meeting should have a theme that is focused on what is happening in groups.
John noted that many psychoanalytic groups seem to be struggling to keep the interest of their members since the end of the pandemic.
Katie Lewis recalled that she was originally invited to the group by Jane Tillman and said that she was struggling to find her way into the friendship network. She thought that a mentorship process for new members would be a good idea and that it would offer something to new members beyond just the meeting.
Several members recalled that parts of the program, especially the presentation on Friday night, were often attended by local professionals. Outreach efforts to the local professional community were recommended.
Craig Piers provided an analysis of the structure of the group. He noted that there have long been vertical connections between new members and members from the older generations but that the older generations, having worked directly with each other, had horizontal links that made them close to each other. He thought that the horizontal links are being lost. He asked that we consider what we are actually saving if we want to survive.
Malini Singh wondered how we might get people to be connected to each other. She suggested having meetings in between, smaller groups, where we connect to each other.
Valeda, responding to Craig’s points, wondered how we transition from relationships based on the original generation to the new generation. She asked what value are we adding for a new generation, and she proposed that we are offering our content, our speakers.
As regards outreach to the community, David Lotto noted that this has always been focused on research but that there are many clinicians around, with no connection to research, who might be interested.
Paolo Migone proposed that there are five values that characterize the Rapaport-Klein Study Group: 1. Links to research. 2. Critical discussion. 3. Lack of institutional affiliation, such that people represent themselves. 4. Argument for the purpose of arguing. 5. Interdisciplinary thought. There was general agreement with this description.
Ellen Rees noted that the original group came to see each other and to share work, things that are a matter of bonding. She said that people present their own work for discussion because they wanted the opinions of trusted colleagues.
Geoff Goodman nominated for membership the three speakers who are not already members: Ageliki Nicolopoulou, Pehr Granqvist, and Dionne Powell.
Craig reviewed our criteria for whom we invite as members: Either (a) giving a presentation to the meeting or (b) attending the meeting two or three times as an active participant in the discussion.
With these criteria in mind, each nomination was discussed separately, and the vote for each was to offer an invitation to membership. Those present agreed that membership offers should be given with the expectation that membership means an obligation to attend, preferably in person instead of online.
Possible presenters suggested for next year’s meeting: Jeff Weintraub, Joel Weinberger, and Paul Siegel.
David Lotto also volunteered to present on the matter of whether psychoanalysis is a science.

Respectfully submitted, John Auerbach


Web Editor: Paolo Migone. For suggestions or corrections, please e-mail to: