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Volume 63

November/December 2001

Number 6

Physical and Psychological Challenges of Space Travel: An Overview 
Mjchael G. Zjegler and Janice v. Meck 

Depression, Mood State, and Back Pain During Microgravity Simulated by Bed Rest 
Jorma R. Styf, Karen Hutchinson, Sven G. Carlsson, and Alan R. Hargens 

Marked Exacerbation of Orthostatic Intolerance After Long- vs. Short- Duration Spaceflight in Veteran Astronauts 
Janice v. Meck, Carlos J. Reyes, Sondra A. Perez, Ary L. Goldberger, and Mjchael G. Zjegler 

Asthenia-Does It Exist in Space? 
Njck Kanas, Vyacheslav Salnitskiy, Vadjm Gushin, Daniel S. Wejss, Ellen M. Grund, Christopher Flynn, 01ga Kozerenko, Alexander Sled, and Charles R. Marmar 

Decreased Human Circadian Pacemaker Influence After 100 Days in Space: A Case Study 
Timothy H. Monk, Kathy s. Kennedy, Lynda R. Rose, and Jeny M. Linenger 

Peripheral Leukocyte Subpopulations and Catecholamine Levels in Astronauts as a Function of Mission Duration 
Paul J. Mills, Janice V. Meck, Wendy W. Waters, Dominick D'Aunno, and Michael G. Ziegler 

Elevated Stress Hormone Levels Relate to Epstein-Barr Virus Reactivation in Astronauts 
Raymond P. Stowe, Duane L. Pierson, and Alan D. T. Barrett 

Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry and Psychosomatic Medicine: The Company They Keep
Don R. Lipsitt 

Is the Glass Half Empty or Half Full? A Prospective Study of Optimism and Coronary Heart Disease in the Normative Aging Study 
Laura D. Kubzansky, David SpaITow, Pantel Vokonas, and Ichiro Kawachi 

Cardiovascular Reactivity to Mental Stress in the Stockholm Female Coronary Risk Study 
Gerdi Weidner, Carl-Walter Kohlmann, Myriam Horsten, Sarah P. Wamala, Karin Schenck-Gustafsson, Margita Hogbom, and Kristina Orth-Gomer 

Educational Attainment and Coronary and Aortic Calcification in Postmenopausal Women 
Linda C. Gallo, Karen A. Matthews, Lewis H. Kuller, Kim Sutton- Tyrrell, and Daniel Edmundowicz 

A Twin Study of Chronic Fatigue 
Dedra Buchwald, Richard Herrell, Suzanne Ashton, Megan Belcourt, Karen Schmaling, Patrick Sullivan, Michael Neale, and Jack Goldberg 

Alexithymic Features in Stroke: Effects of Laterality and Gender 
Gianfranco Spalletta, Augusto Pasini, Alberto Costa, Domenico De Angelis, Nicola Ramundo, Stefano Paolucci, and Carlo Caltagirone 

Endocrine Levels at the Start of Treatment Are Associated With Subsequent Psychological Adjustment in Cancer Patients With Metastatic Disease 
Lorenzo Cohen, Carl de Moor, Danielle Devine, Andrew Baum, and RobeIt J. Amato

Phobic Anxiety Changes the Function of Brain-Gut Axis in Irritable Bowel Syndrome 
Svein Blomhoff, Signe Spetalen, MoIten B. Jacobsen, and Ulrik F. Malt 

Sex Differences in Glucocorticoid Sensitivity of Proinflammatory Cytokine Production After Psychosocial Stress 
Nicolas Rohleder, Nicole C. Schommer, Dirk H. Hellhammer, Renate Enge1, and Clemens Kirschbaum 

Effects of Social Housing Condition on Chemotherapeutic Efficacy in a Shionogi Carcinoma (SCI15) Mouse Tumor Model: Influences of Temporal Factors, Tumor Size, and Tumor Growth Rate 
Leslie R. Kerr, Rajinder Hunda1, W. Andre Silva, Joanne T. Emerman, and Joanne Weinberg 

Elevated Cortisol Levels in Cushing's Disease Are Associated With Cognitive Decrements 
Monica N. Starkman, Bruno Giordani, Stanley Berent, M. Anthony Schork, and David E. Schteingart 

Letter to the Editor

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