Original Articles
Attention to chronic pain is dependent upon pain-related fear
G. Crombez, C. Eceleston, F. Baeyens, B. van Houdenhove and A. van
den Broeck
Consultation-liaison service in the general hospital: effects of cognitive-behavioral
therapy in patients with physical nonspecific symptoms
U. Ehiert, D. Wagner and U. Lupke
Body image in eating disorders and analysis of its relevance: a preliminary
F. Fernández-Aranda, B. Dahme and R. Meermann
Hypersensitivity to electricity: working
definition and additional characterization of the syndrome
L. Hillert, B. K. Hedman, E. Soderman and B. R. Arnetz
An experimental study of influences on the perceived likelihood of secking
genetic testing: “nondirectiveness” may be misleading
P. M. Salkovskis, R. Dennis and A. L. Wroe
Measuring quality of life in Britain: introducing the WHOQOL-100
S. M. Skevington
Relatives' expressed emotion and the course of inflammatory bowel disease
C. Vaughn, J. Leff and M. Sarner
Experienee of labor and birth in 1111 women
U. Waldenstrom
Short Report
Recognition of medically unexplained symptoms - do doctors agree?
S. Reid, T. Crayford, S. Richards, C. Nimnuan and M. Hotopf