Osteoporosis in anorexia nervosa J. G. F. Bolton and S. Patel
Original Articles
Specific psychiatric morbidity among patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in a Nigerian general hospital
H. S. Aghanwa and G. E. Erhabor
Somatizing frequent attenders in primary health care
S. Jyvasjarvi, M. Joukamaa, E. Vaisanen, P. Larivaara, S.-L. Kivela and S. Keinanen-Kiukaanniemi
Weight-related body image concerns among 18-24-year-old women in Canada and India: An empirical comparative study
M. A. Gupta, S. K. Chaturvedi. P. C. Chandarana and A. M. Johnson
Mental disorders among internal medical inpatients: Prevalence, detection, and treatment status
M. S. Hansen, P. Fink. M. Frydenberg. M.-L. Oxhoj, L. Sondergaard and P. Munk-Jorgensen
A meta-analytic review of coping with illness: Do causal attributions matter?
S. C. Roesch and B. Weiner
Social behavior, cortisol, and slgA levels in preschool children
J. R. Sanchez-Martin, J. Cardas, L. Ahedo, E. Fano, A. Echebarria and A. Azpiroz
Book Review