Unraveling the association between chronic widespread pain and psychologicaldistress:
an epidemiological approach
J. McBeth and A. J. Silman
Frequent consulters in general practice:
a systematic review of studies of prevalence, associations and outcome
D. Gill and M. Sharpe
A systematic review of the treatment of
depression with antidepressant drugs in patients who also have a physical
D. Gill and S. Hatcher
Original Articles
Relations between anxiety sensitivity and dimensione of alexithymia
in a young adult sample
H. Devine, S. H. Stewart and M. C. Watt
The relationship between stress and health care use: an investigation
of the buffering roles of personality, social support and exercise
M. R. Manning and M. R. Fusilier
Coping with coronary heart discase: a longitudinal study
T. Van Eideren, S. Macs and E. Dusseldorp
Short Report
Psychogenic chemical sensitivity: psychogenic pseudoseizures elicited
by provocation challenges with fragrances
H. Staudenmayer and R. E. Kramer
Book Reviews